Benny (Rapper)

Songtext Buffalo kitchen club Benny (Rapper)


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Buffalo kitchen club

Yeah, uh
Y'all know what the fuck it is
Motherfucking Liz and the motherfucking Butch

They ain't fucking with Liz and The Butch (Uh-huh)
I send the order, then nigga, you cook (Grr)
Thought I had ones the way these bitches shook
Would be a machine if rapped how I look (Hah)
So not your typical, this shit is mental, not physical
Glide through the pressure, elliptical (Uh huh)
He like what he see in his visual
I make that dick disappear, it's a miracle (Woo)

Sleeping on me, must be the fentanyl
Killing you hoes, take it literal (Literal)
Shooting your shot at a bitch like me
Gon' cost 'bout a milli' at minimal (At minimal)
My nigga w?ar Creed and he hit it hard like Adonis
I leav? him soaked and astonished (Uh-huh)
My team on violence, we sweeping shit like the plague
This shit is getting bubonic
Balling my hobby, I'm getting rings like I'm Sonic
Your money must keep it platonic (Y'all know)
A beauty and beast, how ironic
I'm smoking on hoes like the chronic

Fuck y'all opinions, they weigh less than money
And they come from who ain't got no money (Ain't got no money)
Left mine in Escrow and I never touch it (I don't touch that)
'Cause when Pac died, he ain't have a hunnid
Sold out a show with my first day in Europe
All that hate coming from home, I can't hear it (Can't hear it)
'Fore we get a chance to hop out, these bitch gon' stare in the rims like mirrors
I don't do auctions, I don't do Carmax, to the R8 from the RS (RS)
Our first date we had car sex, I put glass on the corner like car wrecks
Invite me in, I might bring a scale over, I feel y'all topping well over
I done bought so much cartel yola that they start treatin' us like shareholders
Niggas resent me 'cause they just a tier lower (Just a tier lower)
No sympathy, won't shed a tear for ya (I ain't cryin' for niggas)
No weaknesses, I'm not a fear shower
I ate the pussy up, got my little beard growing
Five five-sixes, look like we spear-throwin' (Pew, pew, pew, pew)
You know that what I'm here for
When they ask y'all who cleaned up the block (Cleaned up the block)
Say the Butch and Liz Claiborne (Uh)

They ain't fucking with Liz and The Butch (Uh-huh)
I send the order, then nigga, you cook (Grr)
Thought I had ones the way these bitches shook
Would be a machine if rapped how I look (Hah)
So not your typical, this shit is mental, not physical
Glide through the pressure, elliptical (Uh huh)
He like what he see in his visual
I make that dick disappear, it's a miracle (Woo)
[Outro: Benny the Butcher & Armani Caesar]
Pew, pew, pew, pew
They ain't fucking with Liz and the Butch

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