Benny (Rapper)

Songtext Big tymers Benny (Rapper)


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Big tymers


I'm with the same niggas grindin', everybody with me me shinin'
Big houses and my cars off the lot (Off the lot)
When these hoes see these diamonds, they gon' know I'm big-timin'
Bandana?'round?my?head just like?I'm Pac (Like?I'm Pac)
I pray my niggas beat them cases, they on federal vacations
Don't be out here rappin' shit you know you not (You know you not)
Since a nigga got this buzz, they don't remember who I was
I'm the same one who used to sell you drop (Ah)

These hoes can't say shit to me, I'm fresh in all Dior
Niggas mad at me 'cause I got rich and they wrote me off
Niggas mad at me 'cause I got busy, they got lazy
Niggas mad at me 'cause I paid cash for that Mercedes
Niggas say they loyal, broke the code, but I ain't trippin'
Three million and counting, can't let it take me off my mission
Feds askin' questions, I ain't nervous, they just fishin'
I used to serve the city, they just mad I'm in position
I got it out the mud, how you gon' tell me to be humble?
They don't wanna see this shit, they know they ass in trouble
Hate to see me win, hate to see me catch a level
Jealousy's the devil, I thought on my way to revel

I've been with them same niggas grindin', everybody with me me shinin'
Big houses and my cars off the lot
When these hoes see these diamonds, they gon' know I'm big-timin'
Bandana 'round my head like I'm Pac

I'm with the same niggas grindin', everybody with me me shinin'
Big houses and my cars off the lot (Off the lot)
When these hoes see these diamonds, they gon' know I'm big-timin'
Bandana 'round my head just like I'm Pac (Like I'm Pac)
I pray my niggas beat them cases, they on federal vacations
Don't be out here rappin' shit you know you not (You know you not)
Since a nigga got this buzz, they don't remember who I was
I'm the same one who used to sell you drop (Drop, drop)

Used to serve the whole city drop, now I come through in drops
Made nigga, you lay a hand on me, you get your shooter dropped
Pull up to the corner, hit your lights when you come through the block
We paranoid, you might lose your life 'cause we've been through a lot
Really can't afford to make mistakes 'cause I'm still in the streets
I seen a nigga go through his first case, they did him like he Meech
Me? I'd rather stay up out the way, it really ain't that deep
Jumped in that thing and whipped the titties out like we on Venice Beach
Twenty in my pocket like I'm young, but really, I'm OG
Kicked back in the slums with all my killers, how I find some peace
They ain't teach me 'bout no ABCs, I'm ridin' AMG
I'm with the same niggas I started with, Boyz ENT

I've been with them same niggas grindin', everybody with me me shinin'
Big houses and my cars off the lot (Off the lot)
When these hoes see these diamonds, they gon' know I'm big-timin'
Bandana 'round my head like I'm Pac

I'm with the same niggas grindin', everybody with me me shinin'
Big houses and my cars off the lot
When these hoes see these diamonds, they gon' know I'm big-timin'
Bandana 'round my head just like I'm Pac
I pray my niggas beat them cases, they on federal vacations
Don't be out here rappin' shit you know you not
Since a nigga got this buzz, they don't remember who I was
I'm the same one who used to sell you drop (Ah)
I'm with the same niggas grindin', everybody with me me shinin'
Big houses and my cars off the lot
When these hoes see these diamonds, they gon' know I'm big-timin'
Bandana 'round my head just like I'm Pac
I pray my niggas beat them cases, they on federal vacations
Don't be out here rappin' shit you know you not (You know you not)
Since a nigga got this buzz, they don't remember who I was
I'm the same one who used to sell you drop (Ah)

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