Kings Of Leon

Songtext Work on me Kings Of Leon


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Work on me

Rise and shine
Get on your way
By the look in your eyes there's nothing to say
I got it all
In my hands
And I know that you know just where I stand
Where I stand

One more thing
Before you go
Pick it up and then I'll hit it on down the road
I got no time
For playing games
I mean that I'm out and it's always the same
It's always the same

Ooo, I strut like a cock
And Jack don't rock
It's all coming back to me
Oh what a shame
If this is all the same
I'll get on my coat and leave
No way you're gonna work
No way you're gonna work
No way you're gonna work on me
I say that before
I open the door
Why is that so hard to believe?

Pick that guitar
Up in the air
Cut it loose and then let down that hair
I know that you
Were born to shine
You got a shine before you're blown away
You're blown away

Ooo, I strut like a cock
And Jack don't rock
It's all coming back to me
Oh what a shame
If this is all the same
I'll get on my coat and leave
No way you're gonna work
No way you're gonna work
No way you're gonna work on me
I say that before
I open the door
Why is that so hard to believe?

Get on your way
Get on your way
Get on your way
Get on your way

I strut like a cock
And Jack don't rock
Get on your way
Oh what a shame
If this is all the same
Get on your way
No way you're gonna work
No way you're gonna work
Get on your way
I told you before
I open the door
Get on your way

Get on your way

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The three Followhill brothers (and one cousin) who formed Kings of Leon grew up being driven around the Southern States by their preacher father. Their indie-rock sound belies these influences in its fervent religiosity and southern rock riffs. Their debut album Youth and Young Manhood (2003) won much praise in Europe and the band began to build a following in their homeland after securing support slots on tours with U2 and The Strokes. Aha Shake Heartbreak (2004) consolidated their fanbase and included the single, "The Bucket", which broke into the Top 20 in Britain. Third album Because of the Times was their most successful yet, winning wide critical praise and topping the album charts of Britain, Ireland and New Zealand.

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