Jay Idk

Songtext We all da same (everyone) Jay Idk


We all da same (everyone)

So my nights usually start off lurking
I don't usually eat no breakfast, no nothin'
I just gather all the money I can and go straight to Jon Jon
Shoot, sometimes I don't even have enough money
So I either beg him
And if that don't work, I go out and get it
And once I finally get what I need, I go straight to the trap house
I walk up the stairs
And the second floor's usually where I do my thing
Ha ha, shit
I find me a little spot in the corner
Take a seat
Grab the rocks, fill up the pipe
And right before I strike the light, I start to think about life
Like, what the hell am I doing?
You know?
This ain't my life, this ain't me
I ain't come from this kind of background
Hm, but it's like, every time I start to come to my senses
I don't know, I just
I hear these voices
(Na na na na na)
And they start teasing me
(Na na na na na)
Then I come to the realization that these voices are my addiction
(Na na na na na)

He the trappa
He the plug
He the one sellin' dimes and the dubs
She the one smoking dimes in the dorm room while the boyfriend showing white girl love
He sniff, they shoot
We pop, to get loose
But we all do the things that we do cause if life ends now we ain't got shit to lose

Fuck that
So we think think think think think
That's right that's right that's right that's right
Oh so we think think think think
That's right that's right that's right that's right

We are all the same
From the projects and the streets to the campuses and the dorm rooms
We all breathe and inhale from a mouth, of a nose, right?
This breath of air brings us a false feeling of satisfaction
Which makes us gasp as we failed to grasp reality
This fake sense of security becomes our new addiction
We are all the same
From the Rocky Mountains to the Serengeti Plains
We all seek the same strain
Or relieve the same pain
Because that's how we think we remain sane
But is that just satan talkin'?
I mean
Think about it
The next time you try to judge your partner, make sure you think of your own problems
After that try to solve em
Because as the world continues revolvin'
Playin' Russian roulette with our lives
The only way that you could survive
Is if you remember one thing
We all the same

He the trappa
He the plug
He the one sellin' dimes and the dubs
She the one smoking dimes in the dorm room while the boyfriend showing white girl love
He sniff, they shoot
We pop, to get loose
But we all do the things that we do cause if life ends now we ain't got shit to lose
Or so we think
Or so we think
Or so we think
Or so or so or so or so or so whoa

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