Atomic Potato

Songtext Urban renewal Atomic Potato


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Urban renewal

It was 30 degrees in a broken home
lights dimmed low looking out the window
I couldn't feel my fingers and I couldn't feel my toes and
the voice inside my head was screaming
(I shouldn't be alone)
The wind singing in the streets a solemn tune for me and you but on the
other side its nicer with the fires burning through
I never recovered from the
sound the bells ring so
I slipped out the door to take a walk and I sing

Ooh woah oh oh
Woah oh oh oh

I took off my cap as I
walked through the door
hung up my coat and took a seat on the floor
The old man looked me in the eyes and then I knew that
anything was possible and that his words were true
"Son you've got a roof over your head and heres some food
I got no trouble with you staying here as long as you will
tend to my son while I'm out in the shed
take a left at the stairs and you will find your bed."

I woke up next morning to the sound of a drum beating
steady in my head keeping tempo with my thumb
I sat up on the edge and then I walked into the room where
the old man stood holding a shovel and broom we were
walking out back I knew what I had to do and there was
no turning back this job he couldn't do so
I tightened my grip and I dug up a hole there
I buried the pieces what was left of my soul

Ooh woah oh oh
Woah oh oh oh

It was 30 degrees in a broken home
lights dimmed low looking out the window
I couldn't feel my fingers and I couldn't feel my toes and
the voice inside my head was screaming

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