Open Hand

Songtext The valley Open Hand


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Der musikalische text THE VALLEY von OPEN HAND ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Honey (2010)



The valley

Fortunes rise, friends gonna grow
Fortunes fall, friends gonna go
From New York City, all the way to Cali
You gets no love when you're down in the valley.

You gets no love when you're down in the valley.
You gets no love when you're down in the valley.
(This is the sound of my heart taking over.)
You gets no love when you're down in the valley.
You gets no love when you're down in the valley.
(My frustrations are so far out)

You gets no love in the valley.
I'm lookin' for some answers, homey can ya tell me?
I'm tired of taking chances, tired of feeling empty.
I'm unstable, on the edge, so don't tempt me

Let's see.
Who in life can I depend on? Just me.
It's so lonely when your friends go and envy.
'Cause at the heart of the hate and hard times
Always go hard in your faith, you can't wait.
When people don't make sense, you make change.
When enemies make threats, you take aim.
They make claims while you try to maintain
'Cause life ain't a game, all you got is your name.
So tell 'em all "step aside" and make a blame
Shift the pain, and when you're wrong, gotta take the blame.
Go ahead and push on through, 'cause at the end of the day
All you really got is you.
That's the truth.

(This is the sound of my heart taking over.)
You gets no love when you're down in the valley.
You gets no love when you're down in the valley.
(My frustrations are so far out.)
You gets no love when you're down in the valley.
You gets no love when you're down in the valley.
(This is the sound of my heart taking over.)

Fortunes rise, friends gonna grow
Fortunes fall, friends gonna go
From New York City, all the way to Cali
You gets no love when you're down in the valley [x5]

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Open Hand is a Californian indie rock band. The band was formed in Hollywood in 1999 by guitarist/vocalist Justin Isham, bassist Michael Anastasi and drummer Alex Rodriguez. They released two EPs on its own American Propaganda label, Radio Days (1999) and Evolutions (2000). After touring to support the two EPs with the bands Thursday, MxPx, From Autumn To Ashes, Grade and The Juliana Theory, they signed with Trustkill Records in 2002. In 2003, Trustkill issued The Dream, a collection of the band’s out of print EPs. They released the album "You and Me" in 2005, and toured through 2007. Open Hand released "Honey" (Anodyne Records) on 4/20/2010.

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