Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

Songtext The sorrowful wife Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds


The sorrowful wife

I married my wife on the day of the eclipse
Our friends awarded her courage with gifts
Now as the nights grow longer and the season shifts
I look to my sorrowful wife
Who is quietly tending her flowers
Who is quietly tending her .....

The water is high on the beckoning river
I made her a promise I could not deliver
And the cry of the birds sends a terrible shiver
Through me and my sorrowful wife
Who is shifting the furniture around
Who is shifting the furniture around

Now we sit beneath the knotted Yew
And the bluebells bob around our shoes
The task of remembering the telltale clues
Goes to my lovely, my sorrowful wife
Who is counting the days on her fingers

Who is counting the days on her .....
Come on and help me babe
Come on now
Help me babe
I was blind
The grass here grows long and high
Twists right up to the sky
White clouds roll on by
Come on now and help me babe
I was blind
I was a fool babe
I was blind
Come on now
A loose wind last night blew down
Black trees bent to the ground
Their blossoms made such a sound
That I could not hear myself think babe
Come on now
And help me babe
Help me now
I was blind
I was a fool

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Australian musician and author Nick Cave was the lead singer of Aussie post-punk band The Birthday Party in the early 80s. They split in 1984 due to personal difficulties aggravated by drug and alcohol abuse, with Cave and multi-instrumentalist Mick Harvey teaming up to form Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Each of their albums have been hits with critics, but less successful with the public at large. Tender Prey (1988) and The Good Son (1990) were particularly praised, while Let Love In (1994) reached No.12 in the UK album charts. Murder Ballads (1996) got four places higher, and featured a duet with Kylie Minogue called "Where The Wild Roses Grow" that was a chart hit in several countries. The Boatman's Call (1997) was considered by many to be their best release yet. In 2004, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds released their 13th studio album, the double-disc Abbatoir Blues/ The Lyre of Orpheus. Mojo Magazine (UK) and The Age (Australia) both named it their Album Of The Year, and other critics were enthusiastic too. Although the band haven't officially split up, Cave and three of the Bad Seeds have embarked on a side project called Grinderman.

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