Insane Clown Posse

Songtext Super balls Insane Clown Posse


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Der musikalische text SUPER BALLS von INSANE CLOWN POSSE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Tunnel of love (1996)

Tunnel of love


Super balls

"Yeah, you give sax lessons. Why not to spend the night?
I am only to spend the night? I play music of the night.
No, no, I'm not awake in the day.
Read my lips, eww scary. Aww, man, why you guys in the goddamn,
Yellow Pages then, the fuckin, the goddamn, what's it, no,
it's the Weekly. In paranthasees, 'No gig...eww, scary'.
And that's just what I am. Scary."

Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane
Nah, bitch, Super Balls, is the name
And I come from a far away planet
Southwest Del Ray, goddamn it!
And it's the land of the smog-filled maniacs
Super Balls, and concrete nutsacs
You know that fat lady skank that always bothers you
I'm here to fuck her, yo, that's what I do
So tell me where the hoes is at
The fat loopy bitches with the lumpy backs
Super Balls ain't scared of a fuckin' thing
Hold your belly up and I'll stick you with my Super Wang
So, who's next, the bitch with the rubber eye
It won't shut, and now she can't find a guy
It scared everybody off, so I guess my duty calls
BITCH!!!!!!!!!! Call me Super Balls

Ain't no bitch to fat
Ain't no bitch to whack
Ain't no bitch to ugly
For Super Balls, woowoo! [x2]

I met a girl looked a lot like a turkey
So I fucked her and her neden went bublabublabubla
Cuz I could give a motherfuck about looks
I just jock up another one for the books
I know this bitch fat round like a beachball
You can roll her up, and bounce her off the wall
We played ball, shoot hoops, she can hold steady
Then I stick my dick down in the fat patty
Just cuz no one calls your home
Don't mean that you're all alone
Just call Super Balls to the rescue
Now here's what I'm a do
I might stick my big toe in your butthole
And then tickle your neden with my other toes
Ugly bitches in need, I crash through their walls
Big daddy J Violent Super Balls

Ain't no bitch to fat (yeah, motherfucker)
Ain't no bitch to whack (better ask somebody)
Ain't no bitch to ugly
For Super Balls, woowoo! [x2]

"It's a bright mid-summer day in Metropolis, and there's not much
news fit to televise at Galaxy Communications. Where, in his
office, Clark Kent is monitoring the twelve o'clock news."
"Uh uh, it goes thump thump thumpin against your clit"
"Harder, harder!"
"Lois Lane, ace reporter for Galaxy Communications, opens Clark's
door and looks in."
"When the hell do I get something out of this?"

It's down, it's down with the clown
Fuck fat bitches and charge by the pound
I gets paid and I bought a new Lexus
Cuz I fucked a bitch bigger than Texas (yeeehaw!!)
Super Balls don't care where his nuts at
One night, I found em in your mom's butt crack
You was playin Nintendo upstairs
I had my dick stickin in your mom's butt hairs
Granny walked in, puffing on a jay
"Pfft, my pussy's turning grey"
She asked if I would mind dipping in the sugar walls
I said it ain't no thing for Super Balls
Super Balls is in the motherfucking house!!!

Ain't no bitch to fat
Ain't no bitch to whack
Ain't no bitch to ugly
For Super Balls, woowoo! [x6]

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ICP know there's nothing creepier than a crazy clown, so they dress as psycho jesters and rap about their violent personas. Though they've built a dedicated fan-base, many critics accuse them of being immature and misogynistic, and some have even named them the worst group in the world.

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