Andy Mineo

Songtext Still bleeding Andy Mineo


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Still bleeding

[Verse 1:]
How to begin, can I be honest?
It took a while just to write this, well here it is.
I needed courage just to grab the pen,
Same weapon you affected me with when I used to recite this,
That's my word, so ironic,
How this sound is made from frequency waves that can stir,
Oceans of emotions and I fall from old things
I need a potion just to compose them.
Digging up memories I tried to bury,
Unlocking tombs that I balted
And I don't know if you'll ever hear me,
But I got salt in my wounds from the tears that resulted.
Every heart shalls were mortal,
And every scar has a story, every story has a moral,
Every memory's a portal to the past pain
And most of the time is caused by somebody with your last name.

Like a current enter through a brick wall,
Is how your words crashed into my heart
What was so minor to you was so major to me
Lord, I wait for these words like "sorry", "forgive me".
I'm still bleeding, I'm still bleeding,
I'm still bleeding, I'm still bleeding.

[Verse 2:]
The same tongue that you used to say you love me
Was being shoved in somebody else's mouth,
Don't you touch me, I'm disgusted.
You should've just told me that you lost me,
Trust fell out from underneath me,
And the walls from the house we build fell down and then crushed me.
Walking on stilts, losing my balance,
Your words are so filthy, I don't even know the damage
God used words to create this planet so be careful with 'em.
It isn't even really what you said, is what you did
I left text and voice mails, you acting like you missed them,
I got confirmation they delivered,
You spoke in silence, you just go and stay quiet like I ain't existed
Well, look at that thing shifted you blew kisses now you want some more sweetness
And I ain't even got it inside me to give forgiveness
I gotta find it at the place where you said it's finished.
Yeah, you tried to kill me with your words,
But now I used words to make a living
With the DJ or how the tables turn,
So I'm a use mine to point people to the savior,
The one who speak right to the dead and they wake 'em,
Stick and stones may break some bones
And some words scar forever, your heart forever.
Make it hard to get it, hurt people, hurt people see you
Riches bleeding and you wanna be the bleed too.

Like a current enter through a brick wall,
Is how your words crashed into my heart
What was so minor to you was so major to me
Lord, I wait for these words like "sorry", "forgive me".
I'm still bleeding, I'm still bleeding,
I'm still bleeding, I'm still bleeding.

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