The Bird And The Bee

Songtext She's gone The Bird And The Bee


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Der musikalische text SHE'S GONE von THE BIRD AND THE BEE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Interpreting the masters volume 1: a tribute to daryl hall and john oates (2010)

Interpreting the masters volume 1: a tribute to daryl hall and john oates


She's gone

Everybody's high on consolation
Everybody's trying to tell me what is right for me, yeah
My daddy tried to bore me with a sermon
But it's plain to see that they can't comfort me

Sorry, Charlie, for the imposition
I think I got (it got it), I got the strength to carry on, yeah
I need a drink and a quick decision
Now it's up to me, ooh, what will be

She's gone, she's gone
Oh I, oh I
I better learn how to face it
She's gone, she's gone
Oh I, oh I
I'd pay the devil to replace her
She's gone, and she's gone
Oh why, what went wrong?

Get up in the morning, look in the mirror
I'm worn as a toothbrush hanging in the stand, yeah
My face ain't looking any younger
Now I can see love's taken a toll on me
She's gone, she's gone
Oh I, oh I
I better learn how to face it
She's gone, and she's gone
Oh I, oh I
I'd pay the devil to replace her
She's gone, she's gone
Oh why, what went wrong?

Think I'll spend eternity in the city
Let the carbon and monoxide choke my thoughts away, yeah
And pretty bodies help dissolve the memories
They can never be what she was (was) to me

She's gone, she's gone
Oh I, oh I
I better learn how to face it
She's gone, she's gone
Oh I, oh I
I'd pay the devil to replace her
She's gone, and she's gone
Oh I, what went wrong?

She's gone
Oh I, I better learn how to face that
She's gone, she's gone
I can't believe that she's gone
Oh I, I'd pay the devil to replace her
She's gone
Oh I, I I better learn how to face that
She's gone, she's gone
I can't believe that she's gone
Oh I, I pay the devil to replace her
She's gone, she's gone
She's gone, she's gone
She's gone, she's gone
She's gone, she's gone
She's gone, she's gone
She's gone, she's gone
She's gone, she's gone
She's gone, she's gone

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The Bird and the Bee is an indie/Synthpop/alternative musical duo from Los Angeles, consisting of musicians Inara George ("the bird") and Greg Kurstin ("the bee"). Kurstin, a producer and keyboardist who has worked with Lily Allen, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Beck, Barenaked Ladies, The Flaming Lips, Britney Spears, Kylie Minogue and Red Hot Chili Peppers, is also a member of the band Geggy Tah. George and Kurstin met while the two were working on her debut album and they decided to collaborate on a jazz-influenced electro pop project. Their debut EP, Again and Again and Again and Again, was released in October 2006 and their debut album was released on January 23, 2007 on Blue Note Records.

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