
Songtext Rent free 6Lack


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Rent free

How you livin'? (Real shit)
I heard you got more room, no roofs, no ceilings
You needed space to grow, now you have no limits
And I don't even think I been the same?since?you?went missin'
I changed?but love I?did it, yeah
'Cause I know you ain't had to take that, take that
(You ain't had to take that, yeah)
And I was thinkin' "Maybe if I give you time, maybe time could erase that"
Faster, but it took that love
And now all your problem-solvin' until this shit add up

'Cause I've been through a lot this year (Through a lot)
You been though a lot this year (Through a lot)
When it come to the fights this year (To the fights)
Who really paid the pric? this year?
I keep tryna fight these feels
Lik? sleep I don't quite get here
I had to be right yeah yeah
I had to be right yeah-yeah

You live in my mind rent free
I admit it was my pride allegedly
I done filled up all my time just to feel empty (Empty)
How you don't pay me no mind and then still be
In my rent free

These days I be real cautious, part of an artist (Yeah)
All of my words hit you the hardest (Hardest)
Now we gettin' further instead of farther (Farther)
Backseat, baby it's callin', I had to park it (Had to park)
I think it's Hell, you takin' all of thid
Ooh, don't you go makin' it harder

'Cause I've been through a lot this year (Through a lot)
You been though a lot this year (Through a lot)
When it come to the fights this year (To the fights)
Who really paid the price this year?
I keep tryna fight these feels
Like sleep I don't quite get here
I had to be right yeah yeah
I had to be right yeah-yeah

You live in my mind rent free (Mind, mind, mind, mind)
I admit it was my pride allegedly
I done filled up all my time just to feel empty
How you don't pay me no mind and then still be (Still be)
In my rent free

Can we go back to like it was?
Had to warm it up
Crank again, started it up
I done did too much work
I ain't even hit harder than enough
But I think I'll quit some in the cut
With a bag of tricks like it was luck
Got the pride like it was tucked
Got the liquor on ice, it was a cup

'Cause you been through a lot this year
I been through a lot this year
Had to pay the price this year
No more flights this year
And the issue 'cause I miss you
And I'm on the way to wipe your tears
All the wrongs and the rights this year
Got me lookin' at my life this year
Like I really gotta make things clear
Not just tell you all the shit you wanna hear
Reassure you ain't never got to fear
Bein' with a real nigga, yeah

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