
Songtext Red die Toosii


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Der musikalische text RED DIE von TOOSII ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Thank you for believing (2021)

Thank you for believing


Red die

I bought chains for the whole gang
They say, "Toosii, that's a ho name"
Bet he won't bring his ho 'round, get his ho banged
I don't sing, I'm in my own lane (Ayy yo Pluto, you going brazy)
That lil' ho, she a no name (D. Major, baby)
I pray to God and I don't be on games

This what they been asking for, I'ma give 'em what they want
Street nigga ain't a real nigga, be real with her, get what you want
Death come in threes so when Sneak died, who the other two?
Sometimes I wonder, if he had fame, what would my brother do
Why it seem like my city hate me? Carmelo built a court
I was tryna do something for the homies, prolly build a fort
Sneak died after V. Roy, Durk text say, "Keep your head high"
I say Niko name in every song 'cause why did Red die?

Pocket dialed my ex bitch, all she hear is money counting
I'm in love with Sam and that lil' shit wet like a water fountain
They like, "Why you love chains?" I got brothers in the chain gang
I know niggas who ain't down no more but obsessed so still scream, "Gang, gang"
I know they hear my name ring (Brr), what I did for the city
I put ice in my mouth so I could finally have a smile that was pretty
Bougie bitch hot, not saddity, I was tryna slide with the fifty
Heard the clip jam, I said, "Shit, damn," now a nigga ride with the glizzy
Clubhouse got a nigga addicted, I fuck, marry a sidepiece
Just the convos with the OGs, they know I'm a YG
Tell the truth, don't lie please, ask God, "Why me?"
Must be two sides to the story, Siamese

I bought chains for the whole gang
They say, "Toosii, that's a ho name"
Bet he won't bring his ho 'round, get his ho banged
I don't sing, I'm in my own lane
That lil' ho, she a no name
I pray to God and I don't be on games

This what they been asking for, I'ma give 'em what they want
Street nigga ain't a real nigga, be real with her, get what you want
Death come in threes so when Sneak died, who the other two?
Sometimes I wonder, if he had fame, what would my brother do
Why it seem like my city hate me? Carmelo built a court
I was tryna do something for the homies, prolly build a fort
Sneak died after V. Roy, Durk text say, "Keep your head high"
I say Niko name in every song 'cause why did Red die?

Say I did a song with a snitch, well, I ain't one
Say who name I put in black and white, bet you can't name one
Not street but we bang guns, that's just what we came from
Product of my environment but I came up, yeah
Money ain't never change us, gotta keep your head strong
How you speak on the dead? Ain't do it, you know you dead wrong
He a fed, we get a fed gone, he bled, he ain't have red on
Thought a dead nigga had said sum', yeah
Realest on your team be your main
Gotta pray to God and everything be okay, okay, okay
Better watch your tone, nigga, if we know where you stay, ayy
A hunter always find his prey

I bought chains for the whole gang
They say, "Toosii, that's a ho name"
Bet he won't bring his ho 'round, get his ho banged
I don't sing, I'm in my own lane
That lil' ho, she a no name
I pray to God and I don't be on games

This what they been asking for, I'ma give 'em what they want
Street nigga ain't a real nigga, be real with her, get what you want
Death come in threes so when Sneak died, who the other two?
Sometimes I wonder, if he had fame, what would my brother do
Why it seem like my city hate me? Carmelo built a court
I was tryna do something for the homies, prolly build a fort
Sneak died after V. Roy, Durk text say, "Keep your head high"
I say Niko name in every song 'cause why did Red die?

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