The Streets

Songtext None of us are getting out of this life alive The Streets


None of us are getting out of this life alive

I don't like my country, it's more of an addiction
The way girls fixate and pour over lip gloss
I'm hard to love, I make idiot jokes
But those the hardest to love are those that need it the most
Some people drink to be interesting
Some people drink to be interested
The bus comes, fuck delays, lust rushes, love waits
Fuck the crushes at rush hour
Luck in love is like government power
Just fucking bust case

None of us are getting out of this life alive
None of us are getting out of this life alive
Full fathom five my father lies
None of us are getting out of this life alive

None of us are getting out of this life alive
None of us are getting out of this life alive
That's why I don't go gentle into that good night
That's why I'm shining brighter than the brightest light
I twinkle like my blade in the belly of the Reich
'Cause dullards don't shine for shit, they just talk shite
Shoulda, woulda, coulda does not build prophecies of I
So I'll be mouth and eyes for the sore foresight
Never act like an Audi driver
Never mix with the drink spikers
Never seen with the seat pissers
Never ever been a game misser
'Cause missing a game will keep me up all night
'Cause none of us are getting out of this life alive
None of us are getting out of this life alive

None of us are getting out of this life alive
None of us are getting out of this life alive
Full fathom five my father lies
None of us are getting out of this life alive

When I was a young boy I painted my room black
When I was a young boy I rated the boom bap
Cut to aerial footage of a scary estate
Keep going and prove them right
Send for everyone, end the night
Returning to home still yearning to leave
Turnin' the sun in worsening seas
Determined to put my searching at ease
Circling seagulls determined to eat
Into the smoke of the blue, green and chalk
Sinking and blowing and dipping we talk
Until the cliffs become big on our portside
Closer and taller, it makes me feel short
Calling me back at the start of the year
All I ask is a star to steer

None of us are getting out of this life alive
None of us are getting out of this life alive
Full fathom five my father lies
None of us are getting out of this life alive

None of us are getting out of this life alive
None of us are getting out of this life alive
Full fathom five my father lies
None of us are getting out of this life alive

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