Sean Paul

Songtext No bligh Sean Paul


No bligh

Lyrics Result

Sean PauL - Nah Get No Bligh
And again it's one more try yuh know
Ten time me cry and ah dry me eye
Well yuh dun know ah pressure i've run through
Check dis
Dutty Yeah!

Because me nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie
Cau' me nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie

Verse 1:
Cause girl my world is coming to ah enda
Definitely check for you dis message come fi senda
You meh wha fi wake and see every morning ah
Lickle precious time make Sean a cry man ah singa
But yuh nah gi man no bligh nah no play
Everyday me sit and meditate and ah pray
Yuh left meh heart inna permanent state of dismay
'Oman ah wha yuh hear de words de Dee Jay say

Cause yuh just nah give no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie
Cause me nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie

Verse 2:
Well everyday me look up to the sky
Ten time me cry ten time me dry eye
We sit dung ah we yard and ah wait pon reply
We nuh stop bawl out cause she nah stop from deny
Dis little girl ah driving man mad
Dipping hottie hottie want ah hardcore slam
She nuh stop black we mind with nuff (?)
Sean a Paul wha dey ah wit ah different program

Cause me just nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie
Cau' me nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie

Verse 3:
Well ah nuff people walk and tell meh say meh stupid
But dem never yet get lick by cupid
Dem have ah lickle girl wha ah bun like acid
Say deep inna meh heart and it ah move like rapid
Daddygon ah try
Loogaman ah try
Dutty cup ah try
Nah get no bligh
Mossy Kid ah try
Kid Kurrupt ah try
Chicken dem ah cry
Sean a Paul nuh stop try

Me say nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie
Cau' me nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie

Verse 1:
Well girl my world is coming to ah enda
Definitely check for you dis message come fi senda
You meh wha fi wake and see every morning ah
Lickle precious time make Sean a cry man ah singa
But yuh nah gi man no bligh nar no play
Everyday me sit and meditate and ah pray
Yuh left meh heart inna permanent state of dismay
'Oman ah wha yuh hear de words de Dee Jay say

Cause meh just nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie
Cau' meh nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie

Verse 2:
Well everyday me look up to the sky
Ten time me cry ten time me dry eye
We sit dung ah we yard and ah wait pon reply
We nuh stop bawl out cause she nah stop from deny
Well dis little girl ah stop from man mad
Dipping hottie hottie want ah hardcore slam
She nuh stop black we mind with nuff (?)
Seana Paul wha dey ah wit ah different program

Cause me nah get no bligh
Sean Paul ah pressure yuh wit one more try
Fuss inna meh life man I'm feeling fi cry
Taking all meh heart baby dat's no lie well ah dat's no lie

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