
Songtext Im a g Ransom


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Im a g

G’s up

I’m a motherfuckin’ G, I ain’t never been a bitch
I just wanna be a gangsta on some studio shit
I tell ‘em
I’m the truth, I don’t care about lies
Straight G nigga
You could see it, you could see it

I’m a motherfuckin’ G, I ain’t never been a bitch
I just wanna be a gangsta on some studio shit
I tell ‘em
I’m the truth, I don’t care about lies
Straight G nigga
You could see it, you could see it

How many rappers been to hell and back?
Yea I was righting rhymes but I was selling crack
Realest nigga out, without a doubt, go ahead and tell ‘em that
D’s up in my house flippin’ the couch, I think I smell a rat
Now I’m back with that same shit
Desert Eagle, that same clip
I was gone when they had to run
But now I’m back and they ain’t shit
Everybody too cool now
We just hallin’ my G sack
I ain’t puttin’ my 2 down
I leave you right where you bleed at
(I leave you right where you bleed at)
A G is what you have to be
Couple years ago it was stacks of meat
Now I’m on my own, these niggas ain’t even half of me
I’m a G, so tell me how this niggas surprising me

I’m a motherfuckin’ G, I ain’t never been a bitch
I just wanna be a gangsta on some studio shit
I tell ‘em
I’m the truth, I don’t care about lies
Straight G nigga
You could see it, you could see it

I’m a motherfuckin’ G, I ain’t never been a bitch
I just wanna be a gangsta on some studio shit
I tell ‘em
I’m the truth, I don’t care about lies
Straight G nigga
You could see it, you could see it

My gun tucked in my trousers
You can’t fuck with my power
Got them headshots for them loose niggas
And gun bust for them cowards
The street’s all that I know so tell me how I’m supposed to get dough
Sometimes I feel the pain is too much
You hear that struggle under my throat
When it comes to the hustle call me a pro nigga
Just letting you know, nigga
I don’t bow down to no nigga
Now it’s ‘bout time to show niggas
Been to hell, the devil left the scars all on my chest and back
And my son a rebel with a cause, hold my confessions back
Then I let him down, my nigga bundles hold your breath and stacks
I’mma give my all, I swear to God ain’t nothing less than that
You know a nigga’s a G
I was raised up in these streets
So that’s all a nigga could be

I’m a motherfuckin’ G, I ain’t never been a bitch
I just wanna be a gangsta on some studio shit
I tell ‘em
I’m the truth, I don’t care about lies
Straight G nigga
You could see it, you could see it

I’m a motherfuckin’ G, I ain’t never been a bitch
I just wanna be a gangsta on some studio shit
I tell ‘em
I’m the truth, I don’t care about lies
Straight G nigga
You could see it, you could see it

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