
Songtext Heads to the sky Outlandish


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Heads to the sky

Keep ya head to the sky [x4]
(every man gotta story to tell bout how the made it into this World)

Back in 1965 in motherlands street cafe
where young men were sitting down
drinking coffee 'till this brother came in
u could tell by the look at his face
that he had something that he wanted to share
a story told by a brother to another
'bout heaven, a lotta money and beer
see everybody who gathered around this special man that sunny night
left the café with a dream about being the one to reach this paradise
among these playas was guy who came from the country side
in love with a beautiful city girl
but didn't have what her daddy required
and since life was to pour, land was too dry
he decided to pack his suitcase
and leave without ever saying bye
couldn't look at his mother
cuz she didn't want him to leave her sweet motherland
but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
so he said "mamma" I'll be back again"
the he crossed the sea in the words of God
hoping to get on the right way
get his part, meet his demands, pray
fulfill his heart, taking a chance, grow
all alone in the whole new world


A new beginning
as soon as he touched ground
he heard a sound saying his life was about to turn upside down
as fast as he could he got settled with some fellow country men
who had already giving in for gambling alcohol and women
but they were all in the same boat
Left home with the same hope
learned from each others mistakes and then they coped
Mr. dishwasher factory worker
compared to where he came from this job right here was pure luxury
he was no fool though
shit he used his mind as his tool
working his ass of all day at nighttime he went to school
language is power as the years flew on by
he went back home made the love of his life his wife
talking about good shit now lets talk about something bad
lets talk about this fucked up situation one night he had
police pulled him over
thought he was drunk when he was sober
then they thought the car was stolen when in reality it was his Rover
Mr. officer why u harassing my ass
I pulled u over because u black ass was going too fast
suddenly insecurity came upon his face like a flash
was this really the type of future he would like his kids to have

See daddy came
Daddy saw
Daddy took
Daddy got what he gave
A new home and new fam
And a new working place is what he gained
Gave his kids what he didn't have as a child
"U go for the gold"
The opportunity to be whatever they may desire
"U get on a role"
bilingual and beautiful
could there be a sweeter pie
I think not
But I let u decide
In the future


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Outlandish is a multi-award winning hip-hop group based in Denmark. Formed in 1997, they consist of Isam Bachiri (born in Denmark and of Moroccan background) Waqas Ali Qadri (born in Denmark and of Pakistani background) and Lenny Martinez (born in Honduras and is of Cuban and Honduran descent). All three members are devoutly religious, Isam and Waqas being Muslims, and Lenny being Catholic. The band members live in Brondby Strand.

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