Bone Crusher

Songtext Hate ourselves Bone Crusher


Hate ourselves

Listen let that music hit you for about 5 seconds
There are thingz in life
We of people need to get, need to get our weight up
Together the struggle starts today people
Listen here we go

In life sometimes things aint what they seem
Some say they love you don’t mean a damn thing
Sometimes it makes me wonder why
This pain it hurts me deep inside
'cause all I wanna do is give love
But all day wowdees mean mug
So it brings the thug in me
And all I want is my family wit me
To share in this love of life
For my lil shorties to eat right
It’s the short life that we live
And there's a lot that you can give
Get up yo weight people…

Tell em Tell em
Why we hate ourselves sooo
Please let me kno
Why we hate ourselves soo
Guess that’s how goes

The wars the battles the tussles the struggles
From nobody to a legend
Give in here
I command your attention
As if I was a band, you the people in the stand understand
I keep my lyrics slum and rigid
Young prospects watch, my feet don’t miss my pivot
Don’t matter my year, my gives stay consistent
I went from born to blazed
To beautiful days and beautiful ways
Laying down the truth for a bankhead, respect it
I try to interject it, I say through the music and the medic
Im dedicated to my pen and my pistol
My family and my hood I wish you nothing but good

Tell em Tell em
Why we hate ourselves sooo
Please let me kno
Why we hate ourselves soo
Guess that’s how goes
We don’t love ourselves, 'cause we hate who we see off in the mirror
A people that don lied to us
In the quipped to 24 7
Show us in the good book, if we go off to heaven, reverend
We swerving in our innocence
Taking off in yo G 44 tell the truth about my ken 44
Po Po scared my up honey, and gave her a stroke
Jammed her up wit coke, strung out on soaps
Just litsten a beat, aint no love in these streets
And it’s a shame what a n*gga gotta do to feed his family
Trappin, scrappin, head stung
I made my mistakes in the past, but I was young and dumb
Learn from the thug, learn from the bars, learn from the ghetto, learn from the slum
I forget bout the struggle, I can't get by without the help from my sister and my brothers

Tell em Tell em
Why we hate ourselves sooo
Please let me kno
Why we hate ourselves soo
Guess that’s how goes

Never say never, Im clever
Cutter butter brother
Shut her mother***** lips wit my clip
Take a trip, take you way up in yo whip
A legendary, underestimated, underrated, hated by the critics
But I spit it, make em git it
Kick it when I hit yo city,
Hook me up with the best greens they serve
I took a bird in the red eye
Im workin till Im dead eye
The misson never ends
Im up for them lazy a**
Mo gon clap dough, silly from they growth
True n***** they kno, stay together till it's over
Staring out the window of my old home,
We older
Im never sober
Im never sober

Tell em Tell em
Why we hate ourselves sooo
Please let me kno
Why we hate ourselves soo
Guess that’s how goes

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