
Songtext Growing Cyne


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(feat. Lula Dawit)

Would you believe he once ran?
Shy from wisdom, dodge man
Thought he was up to no good but understand
Circumstance had him victim, and caught in his grasp
But he was, eager to blame, shame avoided his path, at last
Find the pleasure in pain, he feared change
He can't stay sober cause he can't cope with sane
Now he can't call it, twenty-one years, an alcoholic
Aim's what a young nigga need, fuck money
Life's risky, can't live the life, police frisk me
My drunk words have all worn a half glass of whiskey, tipsy
Til tomorrow come, or yet its sorrow spun
But you gotta find some beauty in illusion
Losin, my religion find fate wit a beat
I escape, destinies close gates
Close gates, close gates, now open
Hopin fate wait, fate wait
It's time for change

[Cise Star:]
As days go by my world get colder
I'm older, experience got my heart bolder
Hold up, better days ahead that's what I hope fa
There's beauty in the eyes of the beholder
I told ya

Can you believe I once ran?
But look at me now, beautiful child
Resurrected from the section niggaz holdin me down
Struggle through the puzzle of life, the pieces are found
So even when I'm down, I 'm wearin the beautiful crown
Smile, a new day dawned, a man moves on
A brand new song, days are short but nights are long
Searchin, trial by fire, life high on the wire
Give me a piece of mind, I'm losin it like Mariah
See, I over hope to come bringin it close
So muthafucka you know my soul, remains older
Stronger than anything, accomplish many things
The truth is the answer, my wisdom is everything
Concrete slabs over the green grass
But a rose still grows from the rocks and outlasts
Concrete slabs over the green grass
But a rose still grows from the rocks and outlasts

Let's do it, black people
We wanna know life, how's ya's like?
Just do right, and be good
Take over, get on it
Live your life, get power
And unite, be ready
Move over, let's do it
Let's do it, black people

Would you believe she once ran?
Birth of the child, but gave a damn
Who was the father, I bother, understand
Circumstance had her victim and caught in the grasp
The punch drunk love got shorty playin the task, of
Mom and pop, but he was a rolling stone
He couldn't stay home (from cell blocks he phones home)
Damn, now ain't shit funny see
Love what a black girl need, fuck money
Life's bitchy, can't let this bitch life ditch me
Her baby came first, she neglected the system like
"I raised my child, just look at his beautiful smile
We gotta, make it together through the pain and trials
The day will come, cause night can't embrace the sun
It shine, so bright y'all afraid to come
Out, out, (yeah, this is what life's about)
Shout, shout (cuz this is what life's about)

[Cise Star:]
As days go by my world get colder
I'm older, experience got my heart bolder
Hold up, better days ahead that's what I hope fa
There's beauty in the eyes of the beholder
I told ya

Just be, who you are
Trust me, we all, are superstars
Like sheep we're not knowin
The night we fight and we'd like to see
Tomorrow again, please shine

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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Cyne is a group. Their discography includes Evolution Fight, Pretty Dark Things, Time Being, Time Being and Collection (1999-2003). The band has had members Akin, Cise Star and Enoch.

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