
Songtext Goodnight sweet prince Brandtson


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Goodnight sweet prince

Uh oh, we're used to the night,
Now we can see in the dark.
Oh no.

Don't worry about the loop,
It's always in control,
Don't worry about the role,
It's never all your fault.
Don't listen to the sound,
It's telling you to move.
Don't listen to the sound,
It's asking you to lose.

It won't be long before you see yourself.
It won't be long before you see the truth.
It won't be long before you see yourself.
It won't be long before you find the new.

Uh oh, we're used to the night,
Now we can see in the dark.
Oh no.

Don't think about the line,
It's never letting go.
Don't think about the line,
It's only what you know.
Don't let it be the end,
It's only just begun.
Don't let it be the end,
It's over when you're done.

It won't be long before you see yourself.
It won't be long before you see the truth.
It won't be long before you see yourself.

Uh oh, we're used to the night,
Now we can see in the dark.
Oh no.

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Brandtson is an indie rock band that formed in 1996 in Cleveland, Ohio. It was originally a side project for Myk Porter, the vocalist of the Christian hardcore band, Six Feet Deep. Porter got his friend Jared Jolley to play drums in the band. Soon thereafter, Six Feet Deep broke up and Brandtson became a full-time band with the addition of Matt Traxler (also of Six Feet Deep) on guitar and John Sayre on bass. Their first release was on Traxler's indie label, Steadfast Records and was entitled, Letterbox. A year later it was re-released by Deep Elm Records. The band went on to release the Let's Call It A Day seven inch on Velvet Blue Music and also had a song on Volume Two of the Emo Diaries compilation. In 1999 Deep Elm put out Fallen Star Collection and it was followed by the Trying to Figure Each Other Out EP in 2000. More releases followed and a switch was made to The Militia Group for the 2004 release of Send Us a Signal. Over the course of these years, the band toured North America, Europe, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong. Sayre left the band in 2005 and was replaced by Furnace St.'s Adam Boose, who also added in some electronic manipulation of their sound. Their latest release, Hello, Control, was released in May 2006. In 2007 Myk shared new music from his solo project entitled May This House Be Safe From Tigers on MySpace. It is rumored that Brandtson has broken up due to the lack of interactivity with fans and major delay of their upcoming album.

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