
Songtext Can't take no more Q-Strange


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Can't take no more

[Verse 1]
I can't take anymore I'm gettin' depressed
And I feel this stress inside my chest
Its gonna explode I gotta load of shit on my mind I'm tryin' to find
The answers to the things I need to succeed or survive
I'm tryin' to strive, but I wonder why
Is it so rough, I gotta see defeat and times are tough
And I don't want him to see his daddy gettin' takin' away in hand coughs
It's all this stuff, these city kids they keep it real
But not keepin' it real, is talkin' shit and packin' steel
What's the deal? That's how you represent? not me
I keep it real wit my family and I take responsibility
But I can understand why niggaz buck
Cuz it's a fucked up world
But what if your stray bullet ever hits a little girl
I think about this shit as years go by like minutes
I know it's bad now, but it's only the beginning
Media tells me its better, but I see its gettin' worse
I wanna ride around in limos, but I'm headin' for a hearse
Suicide obeys my mind and sometimes I think it's over
I don't trust no one so I'm on point just like a cobra
Even if I know ya I don't trust ya cuz I cant
You give ya soul to people and they just take advantage

[Verse 2]
Negative vibes vibrate through my speaker
See the way I rhyme I should be sayin' somethin' deeper
My tape that gets possessed by evil demons actin' ill
Teachin' kids how to rob, carry guns, sell drugs, and kill
I real artist, kick soul from the heart
Does art imitate life, or does my life imitate art
If it's a part of your life express it, but don't glamorize
This influence on young minds wanna do the shit I rhyme
Now that I'ma parent its apparent I should recognize
Negative affects that this has in my childs eyes
I apologize to my family and pride
And all the young teens I left emotionally scarred
I can't take no more of the guilt paranoia
Never be a doctor, or a cop or not a lawyer
The only thing I got in this world is makin' music
I'd rather rap about abusive shit than go and do it
But at the same time I write lines when I write these rhymes
I'm a grown man and a father am I wastin' my time
Should I just stop and maybe change my flow
I don't know, I'm at a crossroad I gotta choose where to go
I am not the man I was when I started this shit
Allota this shit, I see means the harder I spit
But since then I got a son who looks up to me
The image that I'm givin' man it kinda fucks with me
Torn between a gimmick and respect from my seed
Well there ain't no competition I ain't driven by greed
So this is it, all the horror, the violence, the gore
I leave it behind I can't take it no more


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Q-Strange is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Strangeland and Creation to Exeqtion.

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