Jelly Roll

Songtext Be that way Jelly Roll


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Be that way

Lookin' out the window starin' at the sky
Happens for a reason but what's the reason why
It ain't supposed to be that way
It ain't supposed to be that way
Weather to the storm lightnin' in the thunder
Did I take the wrong road, I didn't see another
It ain't supposed to be that way, uh uh
It ain't supposed to be that way, Struggle

Collect call from department of correction
Looking out the window but I see a clear reflection
Did I take the wrong direction at the intersection
Hear the whispers that I'm different guess it's all perception
Lessons that I learned worth the sacrifices made
Dues that I paid paved the way to better days
Now dreams comin' true and this bed that I lay
But I slay so I pray that they stay out of my way
No hatred in my heart for the friends that up and split
Glass half full, Don Julio and guilt
My decisions crumbled walls in the house that I built
Baptized in the puddle can't cry over spilled milk

Lookin' out the window starin' at the sky
Happens for a reason but what's the reason why
It ain't supposed to be that way
It ain't supposed to be that way
Weather to the storm lightnin' in the thunder
Did I take the wrong road, I didn't see another
It ain't supposed to be that way
It ain't supposed to be that way

My big brother told me go and get it
My mama told me Ramen noodles and ketchup equals spaghetti
I jumped off the porch when I was young and thought I was ready
Put the world on my shoulders pretendin' it wasn't heavy
Hear the rumble of the thunder I swear to God I feel the lightnin'
I've seen it all from closed caskets to sealed indictments
The preacher man said heavens real and I'm still invited
But meanwhile I still feel this guilt inside me
Take a moment to relax, just to sit back
Even on the days that is sunny my city's pitch black
Just to go get the paper willin' to pitch a pack
Is there a heaven for people that really need that

Lookin' out the window starin' at the sky
Happens for a reason but what's the reason why
It ain't supposed to be that way
It ain't supposed to be that way
Weather to the storm lightnin' in the thunder
Did I take the wrong road, I didn't see another
It ain't supposed to be that way
It ain't supposed to be that way

Uh, I came home with my mind right, feeling stable
But now Mondo's gone now, Tata's been disabled
Half the homies back in prison other hald just livin'
Guess I had a different vision that we all be chilin'
Life moves on and takes us different ways
We all floatin' in this ocean head above the waves
I wanna see your face in more than just in funerals
Life is a hard pill to swallow homie but is true

Lookin' out the window starin' at the sky
Happens for a reason but what's the reason why
It ain't supposed to be that way
It ain't supposed to be that way
Weather to the storm lightnin' in the thunder
Did I take the wrong road, I didn't see another
It ain't supposed to be that way
It ain't supposed to be that way

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