Boldy James

Songtext Any block Boldy James


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Any block

I gotta go, I gotta get that money 'cause it's all a nigga know
I let the drummer roll, that bitch gonna go like bum bum bum bum
I got bass booming them speakers in the back, I make it slap

Any block, I make it slap
Any block, I make it slap
Any block, any block
Any block, I make it slap
Finna boy wanna fuck with traps
Any block I make it slap
Hand to hand, sell them back to back
Hand to hand, serve them back to back
Any block, I make it slap
Any block, I make it slap
Any block, any block
Any block I make it slap
Finna boy wanna fuck with traps
Any block I make it slap
Hand to hand, sell them back to back
Any block, I make it slap

Any block, I make it slap, spin that cop money and take that trip
Flip and flop, switch and swap, let them send the blocks in that masons' bag
Any spot, I make it big, any trap, I make it great
Any hood, I make it crouch, hit the club and I make it rain
It's king James, hit the block and I make it back
'Cause nigga watching, not shape and fit
Hand to hand, I sell them back to back
Hand to hand, I sell them back to back
Cram jamming racks on racks, lap dancing
Hella bands kick your camera lens 'cause I'm extra packed
Thousand grams down the way, well I can call it set
A thousand stash round the waste, call that bouncing back
Pull the bunny ears out my mix, I'm pulling rabbit tricks out my hat
Give me a pot in that silver packing, any block, I make it slap

Any block, I make it slap
Any block, I make it slap
Any block, any block
Any block, I make it slap
Finna boy wanna fuck with traps
Any block I make it slap
Hand to hand, sell them back to back
Hand to hand, serve them back to back
Any block, I make it slap
Any block, I make it slap
Any block, any block
Any block I make it slap
Finna boy wanna fuck with traps
Any block I make it slap
Hand to hand, sell them back to back
Any block, I make it slap

Any block, I make it slap
With them dropping, I scrape the sands
Yeah, that pot used to get to top, got me whipping drops with them paper tags
Dealer plates on my dinner plate
Used to cut corners with the rangers in
Sipping 28, selling Ricky Lake for that ginger bread
Put it down, another 20 stakes, took over all the niggas hoods
Dead brown on the interstate get pulled over with hundred drugs
Was nothing to us, try to get them back
Had to suffocate them with the renter's rap
When it touched and made it I was in my act
Sip the act, cup full of mud, twisting batch, run full of nerds
They send me back with the fucking door
Gotta touch back, nigga where you at, where you think I'm at, bitch, in the hood
Finna drugs, we get them all, that's from '
Just let the set and I split the check, tryna get it back, motherfucker, club, let's get it

I gotta go, I gotta get that money 'cause it's all a nigga know
I let the drummer roll, that bitch gonna go like bum bum bum bum
I got bass booming them speakers in the back, I make it slap

Any block, I make it slap
Any block, I make it slap
Any block, any block
Any block, I make it slap
Finna boy wanna fuck with traps
Any block I make it slap
Hand to hand, sell them back to back
Hand to hand, serve them back to back
Any block, I make it slap
Any block, I make it slap
Any block, any block
Any block I make it slap
Finna boy wanna fuck with traps
Any block I make it slap
Hand to hand, sell them back to back
Any block, I make it slap

I gotta go, I gotta get that money 'cause it's all a nigga know
I let the drummer roll, that bitch gonna go like bum bum bum bum
I got bass booming them speakers in the back, I make it slap

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