Big K.R.I.T.

Songtext 4 tha three Big K.R.I.T.


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Der musikalische text 4 THA THREE von BIG K.R.I.T. ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Trifecta (2018)



4 tha three

This for the three, this for the house
This for the crib, this for the South
This for the porch, this for the Sip'
This for them summers, this for the country
This for the coast, this for them buses
This for them players doing the most
This for the three, this for the house
This for the crib, this for the SouthThis for the porch, this for the Sip'
This for them summers, this for the country
This for the coast, this for them buses
This for them players doing the most

I swang and I swerve
Nigga like, "Who need a curve?"
Old school sittin' on high
Nigga like, "Who need some herb?"
Watch for the birds, watch for them laws
Nigga they dirty as dirt
Trying to rough a nigga up, cuff a nigga up
Bust a nigga up, claim he got the work
Just because we flying flossed out
Never been a worker, always bossed outWhen you come from the mud, you get it out the mud
Now look at what the mud cost now
Creepin' on A street, Cali Park
Knockin' these doors down after dark
Searching for a cornbread, collard green
Eating thorough bread, thick from the start
Got it from my mama mama, but told her two for the drama
But go to college for a education
They ain't fucking with you with no commas
Goin' places in the south, buy land, own a house
Redline representer, Juneteenth turn ya' out

This for the three, this for the house
This for the crib, this for the South
This for the porch, this for the Sip'
This for them summers, this for the country
This for the coast, this for them buses
This for them players doing the most
This for the three, this for the house
This for the crib, this for the South
This for the porch, this for the Sip'
This for them summers, this for the country
This for the coast, this for them buses
This for them players doing the most

What you knew 'bout that grill that chill
That top and bottom, that's invisible set
Even granny had gold for real
Even granny had gold around her neck
Gotta let your light shine
Soon as they start hating at the right time
I went from 300 coming out hard, now I'm worldwide
Ask that, I was king way before rap
Came out the womb like fuck all the rules
If there was a bar then pass that straight where the cash at
Country boy tippy-toeing (Uh)
25 on the dresser (Yes sir)
Did for the time, I freeze
Now batter that rustle, killing the pressure
Feeling no effort, feel like a wrestler
Put on for the Sip', watch me out-rep ya
Moon-walkin', two-steppin', laying back no stretcher
Going places in the side, by land on the highs
Redline representer, queen city turn ya' out

This for the three, this for the highs
This for the crib, this for the South
This for the porch, this for the Sip'
This for them summers, this for the country
This for the coast, this for them buses
This for them players doing the most
This for the three, this for the highs
This for the crib, this for the South
This for the porch, this for the Sip'
This for them summers, this for the country
This for the coast, this for them buses
This for them players doing the most

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