Chief Kamachi

Songtext 24th elder Chief Kamachi


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24th elder

Yeah, Chief Kamachi
Young Dulla

[Hook: x2]
When the stars look dull in the sky it mean danger
Kamachi - the 24th Elder in the chamber
The 25th ain't my birthday in the manger
It's real magic, y'all confused by entertainers

[Chief Kamachi:]
I chased the platinum worm in the Gardens apple
Make the stain glass crackle in the Sistine Chapel
Real gold from Africa, my wrist gleam natural
My future's seen from the micro and the macro
Project tarot deck kept in the satchel
Graduation hat with blood on the tassel
Mathmagician, of course it's me
Hold diplomas and degrees in word sorcery
I'm a rider the alma mater of the Panther reciter
You get blessed, left holy like the shirt of Shara
Is you crazy bringin' pork to the Ka'ba?
I'm the Black barber, little soy milk and cassava
You worship idols? I'm takin' turfs and titles
Seen the soul leave why even search for vitals
Yeah, read the magic ball on Mount Sinai high
Makin' classic y'all

[Hook x2]

[Chief Kamachi:]
I stand before the Lord with weed smoke in my robe
This is the story of Kamachi not the story of Job
My Shaka Zulu portraits hang in the fortress
While you sweet pretty boys stroll thru the orchards
The group called 'The Deadly Roses'
Make all ya queens cross the Red Sea for Moses
It's my life but never chose this
The killings is chillin' to see me in warrior pose's
Young thug in a hoopty with blood on my kufi
I ain't nervous the Secret Service attemptin' to shoot me
Plus they made it illegal for producers to loop me
Cause I'm brown and hold it down like the arms of Tookie
Exotic bombs and Uzi's, Charles from Sufi's
I ain't stressed, tryna stay calm from Lucy's
Yeah, read the magic ball on Mount Sinai high
Makin' classic y'all

[Hook x2]

[Chief Kamachi:]
My people at the top of the steeple is where I'm at again
I'm still street but deep like the basement in the Vatican
But I ain't search for the Holy Grail
Take a Bible from a hotel after blowin' a whole L
I could see how and why Judas was so jailed
Y'all haters is personifyin' the whole tale
Yeah, it's the Black Jezuz with the gold grill
Pay the fool in shackles instead of a cold meal
Nuns throw me ones, screamin' 'He's so I'll'
Kamachi so full of promise
Do a show horse & buggy full of the Amish
Anywhere in any sphere my vocals astonish
Yeah, read the magic ball on Mount Sinai high
Makin' classic y'all
Yeah, read the magic ball on Mount Sinai high
Makin' classic y'all

[Hook x2]

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Chief Kamachi is a hip-hop artist from Philadelphia.

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