Lil Loaded

Songtext 24 kobe Lil Loaded


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24 kobe

Yuh, uh ayy
Loaded, done did it again (oh, oh)
Loaded, done did it again (oh , oh)
Loaded, done did it again

24 Kobe I ain't ate in days
Feelin like O's I'm just tryna catch a plate
My granny live by the lord so why she pass away
And Dorse you a legend, think about you till this day
I said 24 Kobe I ain't ate in days
Feelin like O's I'm just tryna catch a plate
My granny live by the lord so why she pass away
And Dorse you a legend, think about you till this day

Pain taking over I ain't gone cap like I don't feel it
Pills talking to me had to learn to kick addiction
Ain't no popping x's ain't gone cap like that'll heal it
I can't talk about it feel like silence is my healing
Conversations in my mind cause I know I won't tell more li?s
No bodyguard to save my life cause I know I'm gon? let it fly
So many nights we was deep inside smoking purple getting high
Smoking dope and getting high that don't change the facts
They took my brothers soul and I won't ever get it back
Or how its money on my top and niggas stab me in my back
My bitch might really love me I just don't know how to act
I told her just don't give up on me cause I'm solid that's a fact
Some bitches broke a nigga down I'm tryna leave it in my past
Tell me every day why you tryna treat me like your last
And I don't know the answer if you cheat then that's yo ass
Catch you lacking with that nigga tell my dog that he can crash

24 Kobe I ain't ate in days
Feelin like O's I'm just tryna catch a plate
My granny live by the lord so why she pass away
And Dorse you a legend, think about you till this day
I said 24 Kobe I ain't ate in days
Feelin like O's I'm just tryna catch a plate
My granny live by the lord so why she pass away
And Dorse you a legend, think about you till this day

I got a reason why I'm mad I'm broken hearted and I'm sad
I could never get 'em back some niggas blocks will never laugh
They catch me lacking down bad I know I'ma be a soldier
Grab that pistol out the holster put a nigga on the poster
And no body spared mine so that's how I be feeling
I remember long nights we had nothing in the kitchen
Bipolar mixed emotions and the pain is feeling endless
I keep it to myself fuck your sympathy and your pity
I always been real when niggas played flake
They swore a nigga trippin when you shootin' at the snakes
Pop up at a party look for the opps and we wait
Pull up side the whip shot his partner in the face
He ain't got a window it got chopped up by the K
They ain't got a body it got chopped up in the lake
Glizzy right beside me if them pussies try to play
I said that glizzy right beside me if them pussys try to play

24 Kobe I ain't ate in days
Feelin like O's I'm just tryna catch a plate
My granny live by the lord so why she pass away
And Dorse you a legend, think about you till this day
I said 24 Kobe I ain't ate in days
Feelin like O's I'm just tryna catch a plate
My granny live by the lord so why she pass away
And Dorse you a legend, think about you till this day

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