Insane Clown Posse

Songtext Wicked wild Insane Clown Posse


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Wicked wild

"ICP, Esham, and the 2 Live Crew are coming to destroy you. Resistance is futile"

I was dreaming when I wrote this so forgive me
If it goes astray, scalp your shit like ABK
And hand you back a toupee,
Soopa Villains on the caper
Stack my paper like a sky scraper
Fuck 8 mile you gone die hater faker
Play ya like an instrumental murder mental
Lincoln Continental, when I hit you roll up in a rental
Shoot out all your windows
Living the life of infamy
Until the Lord sent for me
Ain't no sympathy, murder symphony, drinking Hennessey

(Fresh Kid Ice)
Come with me just follow me
Let me take you to a place where you wanna be
Fresh Kid Ice out with ICP
Juggalo love for all to see
No matter what they say
All my family come out to play
Lovin' fat bitches they run away

HOES, hoes get outta line
We'll beat them, beat them
That's how the real hatchet boys treat them, treat them

Cause bitches love me cause of who I am
Fresh Kid Ice, the China Man
Hate on the fam
We don't give a damn step in the ring get body slammed

(Violent J)
I need a minute but I ain't got one damn-it
Your head I slam it
I take this dick and neden ram it
The man I am it
I'm sniffing cocaine
Until I'm propane
I'm choking, and smoking
They know my name is spoken
It's me and Fish, Esham, and Shaggy, Bitch
17 sleeping pills
In the banana clip
I jack my dick off to watch you lick it
I'm sick and wicked
Now chose between death and dying
I'll let you pick it, dig it dig it what

(Fish & Grits)
I roll through this bitch,
pimping the game
Flipping the lame
Everyday shit don't change
Bitch you better have my money fo sho
Stop giving dick since '84
Fuck free pimping, yea you know me
Ain't Fish & Grits if it ain't got no grease
Every one knows say we moving on up
Hoes better love this nasty stuff

(Shaggy 2 Dope)
Man fuck all your bitches
I'm sick of this bullshit
It's raining diamonds and your full of that bullshit
It's a meteor about to smash into Earth
I hope you die mothafucka it's all you worth
And when you chilling 6 feet
I be floating high strictly off contacts
and raspberry vodka
So I hope its somebody left to reminisce
over your bitch ass
They showing up missing yet

(Chorus 2x- Esham & Violent J)
If this mic was a biatch
We'd be running a train
We'd all be spanking that ass
We would all be getting brains
We treat the mic like a pussy
And hit it with different styles
We in the FBI files cause we wicked and we wild

I sit back and I think
With this blunt and this drink
Should I slit my fucking wrist?
Bloods dripping on the sink
Do I need to see a shrink?
Bloods on my white meat
I'm writing rhymes in blood cause I don't use ink
Keep my eyes on the pride
You might miss it if you blink
Shooting torpedoes at your ship so it might sink
Flows ice cold froze like it's a ice rink
So singing these lyrics might get you in the clink

(Fresh Kid Ice)
I remembered his head between your legs
All up in the pussy in the bed
Don't you wanna play with me?
Fresh Kid Ice fill the fantasies
Cause it ain't nothing wrong bout having sex
Line them up lets see who's next

HOES, hoes get outta line
We'll beat them, beat them
That's how the real hatchet boys treat them, treat them

(Violent J)
I'm flat broke
from that smoke
My gats broke
So I'm strangling somebody for they money
Getting bloody cause I'm nutty like your ball bag
I'm killing all fags
Cause I love to get pussy
When it's wet and mushy
I'll let you work me from here to Turkey
If you with it baby, unless you rocking herpes
You can forget it baby
The only ice I got be on your wife's neck
And I got it yet but I'm about to get it bit

(Fish & Grits)
So stop playing cause it ain't no game
I got 16 in the clip and one in the chams
I'm ready to blow your brain, let you t-shirt stain
Nigga from Miami so I'm a hurricane
Flipping every corner when I'm hitting the block
Rolling every corner when were dropping the top
Nigga damn know you better check my style
2 Live Crew we'll never die

(Shaggy 2 Dope)
Popping wheelies backward or driving forwards
In the Escalade
getting my dick sucked from the back like always
Whiten out hoes eyes like bitch what bring it
Put that neden back in those panties hoe its stanking
Got 26 pumps working and they fully juiced
I be banging with my homies like the hoover deuce
All I'm saying, me E, J Fish and Ice
We hold it together like the
mothafucking wire splice, bitch

(Chorus 2x- Esham & Violent J)
If this mic was a biatch
We'd be running a train
We'd all be spanking that ass
We would all be getting brains
We treat the mic like a pussy
And hit it with different styles
We in the FBI files cause we wicked and we wild

Fresh Kid Ice
China Man
He fucked that bitch in the face
Yeah, yeah
Esham, Esham hit that shit doggy style
And made that bitch bark at the moon
At the moon

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ICP know there's nothing creepier than a crazy clown, so they dress as psycho jesters and rap about their violent personas. Though they've built a dedicated fan-base, many critics accuse them of being immature and misogynistic, and some have even named them the worst group in the world.

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