Hooligan Hefs

Songtext Who's real? Hooligan Hefs


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Who's real?

Police knockin' on doors wanna know whos lettin that go, they know who, we know who,
I guess, if you know you know
You can pick a park, if you don’t show up we are bringin smoke to your home!
We lit it up like christmas, HO! HO! HO!

Police knockin' on doors wanna know whos lettin that go, they know who, we know who, I guess, if you know you know
You can pick a park, if you don't show up we are bringin smoke to your home!
We lit it up like christmas, HO! HO! HO!

They say i’m mad caus' im trigger happy not into the chatting im doin the addy
Can't say too much il run out of luck then i'm back again in that padding
What's the score? add a tally, your poor mums next then your dad is
No love round here not Cali I swear i'll bag em up no saddie. (zip)
Grew up with the older NO DOUBT ill go to war with ya olders
I was hoppin out the holden big bitch needed two hands to hold it
Every problem we solved it, Emptied the clip and they bolted
Ive got straps without holsters, my trackies keep that from jolting
Mr ShootnScore FPO still run that ball
No chit or chat or tit for tat we turnin them to informs
You can pick a park, if you dont show up we are bringin smoke to ya door (knock knock)
You can pick a park, if you dont show up we are bringin smoke to ya door (pussy)
See I done time, for that big bitch, dont talk to me bout' triggers
Dont try bridge up cuz trust, we are well known for burnin bridges
Try your luck you get lifted! (AARGH)Skinny had the long distance! (BAAH)
Every drama we been thru none of them dogs went the distance (NAH)

Police knockin' on doors wanna know whos lettin that go, they know who, we know who, I guess, if you know you know
You can pick a park, if you don’t show up we are bringin smoke to your home!
We lit it up like christmas, HO! HO! HO!

They know its skinny, A.K.A that drilla!, A.K.A MrGetShitDone
When my shit gets done
Then they know I squeezed that trigger
Im prepared to risk it all, they know its smoke when I rock up
All im sayin is they played with my name and the next day my opps got shot
We pick a park, they dont rock up
They talk a lot till we run up
Just gimme the addy and fana
Ill run him down in his bunker
How many times did I call there number
F.T.P till they free my brother (pshhh)
Dont talk to me about guns, one call away to grip that steel caus they know ill get that job done!
Fake cunts wanna talk bout knocks ill show you knocks I swear on my mum
They call themselves soldiers? We shot em up they folded
They ran and told there oldest, sawn off pumpy brother ill solve it
YEAH, sawn off pumpy brother ill solve it

Police knockin’ on doors wanna know whos lettin that go, they know who, we know who, I guess, if you know you know
You can pick a park, if you don't show up we are bringin smoke to your home!
We lit it up like christmas, HO! HO! HO!

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