Sega Sound Studio

Songtext Unknown from m.E. (original) Sega Sound Studio


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Unknown from m.E. (original)

Here I come, rougher than the rest of them
The best of them, tougher than leather
You can call me Knuckles, unlike Sonic I don't chuckle
I'd rather flex my muscles
My heart is nails, it ain't hard to tell
I break 'em down whether they're solid or frail
Unlike the rest I'm independent since my first breath
First test, feel the right, than the worst's left

Born on an island in the heavens
The blood of my ancestors flows inside me
My duty is to save the flower
From evil deterioration

Yo, I will be the one to set your heart free, true
Cleanse yourself of that evil spirit that's in you

Streaking lights, loud sounds, and instincts
Are the elements that keep me going
I am fighting my own mission
Nothing's gonna stand in my way

Yo, I will be the one to set your heart free, true
Cleanse yourself of that evil spirit that's in you

Won't be frightened, I'll stand up to all the pain and turmoil
Just believe in myself, won't rely on others
Get this power to wipe out the havoc and anarchy
This is my planet, gonna fight for my destiny

Here I come, rougher than the rest of them
The best of them, tougher than leather
You can call me Knuckles, unlike Sonic I don't chuckle
I'd rather flex my muscles
My heart is nails, it ain't hard to tell
I break 'em down whether they're solid or frail
Unlike the rest I'm independent since my first breath
First test, feel the right, than the worst's left

I have no such things as weak spots
Don't approve of him, but gotta trust him
This alliance has a purpose
This partnership is only temporary

Yo, I will be the one to set your heart free, true
Cleanse yourself of that evil spirit that's in you

Won't be frightened, I'll stand up to all the pain and turmoil
Just believe in myself, won't rely on others
Freedom will be waiting when serenity is restored
This is my planet, I shall not surrender

(Sax solo)

Won't be frightened, I'll stand up to all the pain and turmoil
Just believe in myself, won't rely on others
Get this power to wipe out the havoc and anarchy
This is my planet, gonna fight

Won't be frightened, I'll stand up to all the pain and turmoil
Just believe in myself, won't rely on others
Freedom will be waiting when serenity is restored
This is my planet, I shall not surrender

The new porcupine on the block with the puff chest
In the wilderness with the ruggedness
Knock, knock, it's Knuckles, the bloat thrower
Independent flowwer, Master Emerald holder
I'll give you the colder shoulder
My spikes go through boulders
That's why I stay a loner
I was born by myself, I don't need a posse
I get it on by myself, advisaries get shelved

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