
Songtext Night life Ne-Yo


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Night life

[Verse 1:]
Candle light and mood music
Champaign, it's sweeter when I put you to it I take her by her hand and hold her tight, but she don't want romance, it's friday night.

She wants the stroke lights bright fashion, high life, high fashion, v.I.p section, solarity flexing, dance floor full crowded music up louded bumpin whole place is jumpin [? ] something
It's what she wants, what she loves up in the club until the sun comes up.

[Verse 2:]
All I want is us to spend one night outside of this club but she just can't let the nightlife [? ] and she must go, the pleasure is my pain.

She wants the stroke lights bright fashion, high life, high fashion, v.I.p section, solarity flexing, dance floor full crowded music up louded bumpin whole place is jumpin [? something
It's what she wants what she loves up in the club until the sun comes up.

Well she wants the night time all that I have is love and that just won't do

She wats the night time living the spotlight dying my dreams of you {dying my dreams of you} [x2]

Said I wish it could be just us two but that just won't do.

She wants the stroke lights bright fashion, high life, high fashion, v.I.p section, solarity flexing, dance floor full crowded music up louded bumpin whole place is jumpin [? ] something
It's what she wants what she loves up in the club until the sun comes up

She wants the stroke lights bright fashion, high life, high fashion, v.I.p section, solarity flexing, dance floor full crowded music up louded bumpin whole place is jumpin [? ] something
It's what she wants what she loves up in the club until the sun comes up

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Ne-Yo, nome d'arte di Shaffer Chimere Smith (Las Vegas, 18 ottobre 1979), è un cantante, compositore, produttore discografico e occasionalmente attore statunitense. Nel corso della sua carriera ha pubblicato quattro album In My Own Words, Because of You (entrambi arrivati alla prima posizione della Billboard 200, Year of the Gentleman e il suo ultimo album "Libra Scale" in uscita il 5 ottobre in Italia.

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