Beborn Beton

Songtext Lost little robot Beborn Beton


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Lost little robot

Day in day out we serve our destiny but still don't see
A reason in these things, in orders we obey
A life's a fragment, too short to take a look behind
A subroutine that gets no intervention
The everlasting kind
The face in front of me, it offers me a smile
And takes my youth instead
A look into these eyes is far too painful
A stone abandons my hand to get that face out of my sight
And you are with me all the time, my lost little robot
Master you told me, I belong to you
Watch my words and cool my circuits down

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Beborn Beton is a German synth pop band founded in 1989, with their first album release in 1993. The debut named "Tybalt" is a compilation of the best tracks written in the first three years of their band history and was very well received in the electronic music scene. 1995 the follow-up album "Concrete Ground" saw the light of day contributing to their reputation as fine synth-pop craftsmen and witty songwriters. After a change of record label in 1996 their break-through album "Nightfall" was released featuring the club-filler "Im Innern Einer Frau". Produced by Jose Alvarez (who has also worked with Wolfsheim and De/Vision) this collection of electro-pop gems is still one of their best-known and most popular albums in Europe as well as the Americas, only to be topped by their album "Truth" in 1997. This release is best known for the single "Another World", which received airplay in Europe and was popular in many synth pop and industrial music nightclubs in Europe and the United States.

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