Sunz Of Man

Songtext Intellectuals Sunz Of Man


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Aiyyo, aiyyo
The modern day, multi-rap, penny hardaway
Allahs way, gods day, range in the garage way
Freak this, slap meat on this uniqueness
Relax overseas status black beat your feet to this
The grim style role sundial, sun of a man who went
Foul spent, ten thou on jewels, 80 cent on loud
Slang lord, applaud, forty-eight up on the board
Holdin the stainless plain sword witcha name on it
Lord, burn em, ninety-eight degrees celsius
Go for delf, no breaks, from stealth, crash it on the belt
Almost lost the eagle, the diamond gem I paid 30 legal
Crash the bird, cranberry regal
Stepped off, double oh-eight style
Bubble the tape out, real niggaz who kill bless the weight style
The treasure map stash billions, smash a class of sicilians
Glassy watch flooded out for trillions
A million dollar lawsuit, got paid and swayed you
And floored you flowerhead niggaz lost you
What? faggots, come up over here
We got it all .. [unclear]

[60 second assassin]
I know niggaz who carry guns like
The same way the earth keep in sunlight
With no fight, snatch your ice, sell it in crown heights
We grab mics, malcolm x type, israelites
From the poor like, holy war type
We got your lost wife
Lovin me, fuck the bubbly, its the drugs in me
Cover me, I want his company, and all the currency
They out to live luxury, cheat and lie, die comfortably
Nautica rugbys like seagal bugsy
Yall disgust me, nia long sisters want me
A king david strong country, we still be hungry
Too many rap braggarts back stabbers, abracadabras
Get hit by the golden daggers (bring it!!)

Chorus: u-god

Intellectual, rhymin professionals
Bring all the ladies, in my directional
Intellectual, rhymin professionals
Bring all the ladies, in our directional
Intellectual, rhymin professionals
Intellectual, rhymin professionals
Intellectual, rhymin professionals
Bring all the ladies, in our directional

[hell razah]
Inevitable, ? the rhymes, like sensible, yo
And when I let go, the ninetieth amigos
Lessons be stressin the fact without question
Determining who gives who, a slap to ?
Bugging while smuggling, cold bumrushing
Touching your brain leaving it, left, while recovering
Tagged, by the fact they rap the daily contract
And ac-cessory the best of me flipping ? void of fact pack?

My attitude is metal, Im rotten to the veins
Saber-toothed tiger in the booth still remains
You see let it be let your soul feel free
And disdain with the horror from the powers that be
And its grabbing me, jabbing me, stabbing me, imagine me trapped
Fully packed anti, combat, gravity rap that
The ? like attracts and, hunchback chills
The sinners to gain reveal, homicide hill
The thundersound underground, plymouth rock
The loud mouth grouch in your house, comstock
The curser, verse with the worser thirster frantic
The felonys swellin me, tellin me to push the panic

[60 second assassin]
Livin in the world today
Makin room for our seeds to see a brighter day, whos to say
Real thug niggaz dont pray
Thats why we drop jewels, we drop jewels

Cmon, livin in the world today
Makin room for our seeds to see a brighter day, whos to say
Real thug niggaz dont pray
Thats why we drop jewels, we drop jewels

[lots of various talking to the end]

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Sunz of Man is a Wu-Tang Clan affiliated group that currently consists of Prodigal Sunn, Hell Razah, 60 Second Assassin, Shabazz the Disciple and Killah Priest. The group's first incarnation also included 7th Ambassador and Supreme. Along with Gravediggaz and Killarmy, Sunz of Man is one of the most popular acts affiliated with the Wu-Tang Clan.

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