Atomic Potato

Songtext Home Atomic Potato


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I laid myself out on the pavement
so everything is alright now
The sky is blue and the leaves are calling
so beautiful falling from the bough

And I believe
People get what they deserve
If you listen to me
I'll tell you what I've heard

I've got a couple notebooks
And a backpack with one t-shirt in it
I've got a few maxed out credit cards
And a brain that's got no limit

The clock counts down waiting for the show now
The crowd lines up you can feel the nerves
Keep a steady head and don't fuck it up now
The impressions good or your gonna hurt

The products the same
So just act it out like they did before you!
The message was lame
just pretend you are playing a game.

Don't listen to the broadcast
The news ain't good its gonna bring you down
Don't need another problem up in my
Head I've got enough and I'm leaving town
we'll sing:

Lets pack up and fly away from here.
You can leave your troubles in Ohio
and lets forget all those wasted years
not coming back we're never coming back no way.

The air smelled bad and the van was roasting
I could not sleep and the traffic was bad
The 30 bucks couldn't buy us gas I
wish I had that cash that I gave to my dad

There's no need to complain
I should have known that it would be this way
There's no one to blame
and now I have to live with a debt that I can't repay

I'm getting on a boat now
To sail far away to somewhere I don't know
The sneakers on my feet turned into boots and my
heart is singing the blues
we sang

Lets pack up and fly away from here.
You can leave your troubles in Ohio
and lets forget all those wasted years
not coming back we're never coming back no way.

The sun stopped shining
The bombs start falling
The sun goes down and now I wanna go home
now I wanna go home
This land is barren no food and water
My friends go down and now I wanna go home
Back to my country and the land of the free
Give me a big mac with a coke...Oh Say can you see!
I want to kick my feet back and watch Family Guy til Four ay em
I wanna drive my car to Adam's house and play smash with Jake and Ben...

Is love really on the way?
and Hey
Is someone gonna show us the way?
Its not alright tonight I see the light and
the porch on 154 seems so far away
Another day it passes by
Mom I don't know if I can
face the facts and do it on my own
I'm twisted up in all these lies that I can't escape and
Yeah that's when I'll come home

I laid myself out in the grass
so everything is alright somehow
The sky is blue and the leaves are green
so beautiful I think I can rest now

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