
Songtext Hesitant and polite Minus.Driver


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Hesitant and polite

blissful wishes, floating in the clouds
i see ambition killing us i've found
justified decisions knocking me down
can't stop this piston, flooded engine.
distant misses common excuses
captured a glisten of a smile that makes me smile
now i've looked all around me
and i am still deciding
who has listened to the strength in my sanity.
i know this is not alot, it comes two fold
and i'll swallow every drop, it's like strictnine
mixed with cyanide.
i thought i tried
i lost my mind.
so pure, not so, so sure i will go
good intention for bad predictions
i thought i tried
thought you'd remember me from two days for two weeks
you laughed and i smiled my heart can't forget now
i lost my mind
i thought i tried.
one time not silent
the one next to you is not the one to blame
come we're all sitting here in a circle of shit
a million miles of shit
covering the ground.
the love you plan, it still erases.
i know this is not alot, it comes two fold
and i'll swallow every drop, It's like strictnine
mixed with cyanide
i know i believe in God
it shows too slow but
you're all i've got
cause it still feels good to be different.
different from you, i thought you knew
i tried my hardest to keep you alive
thought you would be honest, thought you would be true
but it all turns my way it all turns to gray
nothing to left to say, nothing to say.
colors so sad it will make you cry, lost in the innocense i'm lost in you.
stumbled and fell down
nothing left to do but look around us in the end
we look for something to use
we look for something shove
some we take as its handed
some we take for granted
but some weren't lucky enough
some weren't blessed enough to be standing on the line
inside and everyone
as their name is called
this is a roll call
this is a roll call.
tell me what is real
tell me what's the difference
everything is shit
just like your pale face
scared by the vision of everything
turning to fire underneath your blisters
everything is shit.

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