Ghetto Commission

Songtext Ghost in the dark ii Ghetto Commission


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Ghost in the dark ii

You ain't heard the last of me
Them No Limit Soldiers down to blast for meI'm no stranger to dangerAin't no fear in my heartI'm the one in the chamber
Known as the ghost in the dark You ain't heard the last of me
Them No Limit Soldiers down to blast for meI'm no stranger to dangerAin't no fear in my heartI'm the one in the chamber
Known as the ghost in the dark Its that slant eyed nigga from Pep who done gave his last warning
That if you fuck around wit me your fuckin family mourningI'm seriousI'm on that mission Taking niggaz position Was brought up hustlin and head bustin somethin against yo religion
My entourage is ghetto niggaz thats been trained to flex wit triggaz
Tottin A-K's and explosives straight puttin niggaz in half like MosesNiggaz start pushin roses
If they fuck wit this soldier
Son I'll smoke you like doulja and break you down like a boulda Its that down south heat holda leavin you blood clot from a slug shot
Fuck a leg shot or a head shotWon't stop til I see red spots
They call the people they would run if they smart
Cause of a murder that can't be caught The fuckin Ghost in the dark
You ain't heard the last of me
Them No Limit Soldiers down to blast for meI'm no stranger to dangerAin't no fear in my heartI'm the one in the chamber
Known as the ghost in the dark You ain't heard the last of me
Them No Limit Soldiers down to blast for me'm no stranger to dangerAin't no fear in my heartI'm the one in the chamber
Known as the ghost in the dark They call me cast wit a body snatcha ghost in the darkness
Trained to be heartless and be release my rapture on my target
I travel at the speed of light and holla BLOCKA when Im comin
Niggaz depend on me when it's time for redrumin somethin
I can your worst nightmare or your closest nigga
Im the motherfuckin round hopin you pull the trigga
I got murder on my mind so please aim and squeeze
So I can make our motherfuckin enemies bleed
Now it's the Phantom that bust at random wit 6 slugs
Wit the blood shot runna runnin wit the ghost from Pepper (HOLLOWWAY!)In the streetz at midnight we meetthe unlivin versus the weakthe flammable against the heat (RESPECT THE FLAME)I hear church bells ringin at the Graveyard While Im jackin niggaz in the project wit Machetes leavin my trademark
They know Im comin but they can't see me They feel my presence but they can't kill me Cause Im a ghost immortal 'g' see
You ain't heard the last of me
Them No Limit Soldiers down to blast for meI'm no stranger to dangerAin't no fear in my heartI'm the one in the chamber
Known as the ghost in the dark You ain't heard the last of me
Them No Limit Soldiers down to blast for meI'm no stranger to dangerAin't no fear in my heartI'm the one in the chamber
Known as the ghost in the dark

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Ghetto Commission is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Wise Guys. Their most popular genre is Hip-Hop.

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