
Songtext Buggface Outkast


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Can I dance?
Ooh, ooh, ooh, Awww shit!
Big Boi, Big boi

[Verse 1]
What if everything you ever knew or known was lost
The needs tend to freeze you when you gatherin' yo thoughts
You pause for the cause,try to recall and remember
But the train is in reverse and the caboose is in the center
cause your mind ain't free, constricting by the motherfuckin' boundaries
An ounce of weed or an pound of dro
Couldn't place you on the planet where I'm transmitting life from bro
brother, brohem
Cadillac on bows, strike a pose then the door slams, wham nigga wham, don't they say that in they show damn
For show man, actin like a tadpole out of gonads, you now how catch the truth, hit the booth we makin more jams
Spread the strawberry preserves on your nervous program, fuck the learning curve
We took our ramp to no man's land
Hello,is anybody home, is anybody givin dome
Serve me up I want some

Buggface toe jam, from the face up cuz you don't give a jam
Jam to the jam, toast jelly to the jam
Imagine me now jammin, shovin it up your monkey jam
Buggface toe jam, from the face up cuz you don't give a jam
Jam to the jam, toast jelly to the jam
Imagine me now jammin, shovin it up your monkey jam

[Verse 2]
When I'm left alone I get to thinking to myself
The mind is a terrible thing to waste so use it until none's left
Like everything is alright clearly tight to death
I can see clearly now analyzing every step
Clearly you can feel me cuz it's beating through your chest
And you can see me clearly through the window paint drip wet wet
with no tint not yet,clearly I'm a vet
And not a vetinarian, but clearly pitbulls are the best
Like the O-U-T-K-S, cleary nigga you know the rest
And if you acting like you don't, cleary nigga you trying to test
Crystal clearly I confess, and I suggest, you clear the runway
Cuz the ticket is a one-way, clearly back we won't be coming

Buggface toe jam, from the face up cuz you don't give a jam
Jam to the jam, toast jelly to the jam
Imagine me now jammin, shovin it up your monkey jam
Buggface toe jam, from the face up cuz you don't give a jam
Jam to the jam, toast jelly to the jam
Imagine me now jammin, shovin it up your monkey jam

Can I dance?
Can I dance?

Oh shit, bamboo! Stop! [Laughing]
Y'all just playin around now! Come on Cross! [fades]

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One of the most innovative and successful groups in hip-hop, OutKast have achieved worldwide commercial success while maintaining artistic credibility. Having sold more than 20 million records over the last 14 years, both members have also now branched out into film acting.

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