Saviour Machine

Songtext World war iii - the final conflict ii Saviour Machine


World war iii - the final conflict ii

And the chaos reigns; it is insane ...
The violence of technology; something so obscene ...
Behold the bloody ritual; the forces are engaged ...

The earth shall now disclose her blood,
And shall no more cover her slain ...

Behold the last march to the South,
In the war of Gog and Magog ...
The lightning strike unto the holy city,
To drive the Jew into the sea ...

Behold the peace of Saladin; the holy war remains,
The bloodbath of righteous vengeance,
The terrifying regimes ... "Jihad, Jihad ..."

God save Israel, she is chained unto the arms of the beast,
Beneath the ancient fortress of Meggido,
The chosen people stand and face,
The valley of decision awaits .. the living end
The greatest crisis in history,
The end of history itself ...

...And the black horse rides in universal death ...
And the heathen rage at the center of the earth ...

Behold the armies of the beast
Marching through the Middle East ...
Behold this intervention;
Legions of demons unleashing destruction ...

This is genocide, this is genocide;
Raging millions slaughtered on all sides ...
The burning radioactive, the burning radioactive,
Hail and fire mixed with blood in the sky ...
The body disintegrates, the body disintegrates;
Vengeance rising on the enemies of antichrist ...

Behold, mighty Gog has fallen ...
Mighty Gog has fallen ... mighty Gog has fallen
Upon the red horizons of Hamon-Gog ...

Behold, the kings of the South, indoctrinated in hate,
And marked by fire, blood, and battle; turned away
To fight another day ...

Behold the wicked king;
Coming forth to claim it's dark victory ...
Arabia in flames, Arabia in flames

The spirit of the lawless one prevails;
It is gaining dominance ...
Behold the transfer of dominion;

The final holocaust is calling ...

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Saviour Machine is a progressive gothic symphonic metal band known for its epic music and lyrics which deal with war, death, and personal introspection as it relates to prophecy and divine revelation. Saviour Machine is particularly popular in Germany, where they are based, and have performed at Wacken Open Air festival. Over the past decade, the band has become known primarily for its ambitious Legend trilogy.

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