Bon Jovi

Songtext Woman in love Bon Jovi


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Woman in love

Call it social commentary
Call it just what me eyes see
Seems that there's more pretty women
Than there are fish in the sea
...Woman in love

You see there's girls who like your money
Girls who like your car
Girls who like to sip champagne
And feed on caviar
...Woman in love

Send me some silk stockings
Smooth talking lipstick and curls
I want a woman
More than a girl
Need some lip-locking, cool walking
Diamonds and pearls
I'll wrap 'em all up
And give them the world

You know there ain't no woman
Like a woman in love
Ain't nothing
She can't rise above
She can part the water
When the seas get rough
But there ain't no woman
Like a woman in love

If lust is just a dirty dog
I've been scratching with the fleas
I've been waking up your neighbours
Barking up your tree
I went down to the shopping mall
To get it off my mind
But it's like sleeping with the enemy
If you're not deaf and blind

I tried to run
But it was too late for me
I tried to hide
Since the day Adam met Eve
Till I turned on the television
And I looked up on the screen
I saw a hundred pretty girls
Sing this song on MTV

Sen me some silk stockings
Smooth talking lipstick and curls
I want a woman
More than a girl
Need some lip-locking, cool walking
Diamonds and pearls
I'll wrap 'em all up
And give them the world

You know there ain't no woman
Like a woman in love
Ain't nothing she can't rise above
She can part the water
When the seas get rough
There ain't no woman
Like a woman in love
There ain't secret
To woman in love
You think that you can
Live without 'em
But you're asking too much
You see I've slept with romance
And danced with lust
But there ain't no woman
Like a woman in love
Oh, yeah

I've traveled all around the world
Across the seven seas
Got everything I wanted
There's just one thing I need
It hasn't changed forever
Fathers tell your sons
That there ain't nothing like
A thing called love

You know there ain't no woman
Like a woman in love
Ain't nothing she can't rise above
She can part the water
When the seas get rough
There ain't no woman
Like a woman in love
There ain't secret
To woman in love
You think that you can
Live without 'em
But you're asking too much
You see I've slept with romance
And danced with lust
But there ain't no woman
Like a woman in love
Oh, yeah

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Bon Jovi's main success was in the 1980's, the era of pretty-boy pop-rock, big hair and big ballads. Their success has endured into the new millenium, despite changing tastes, thanks to Jon Bon Jovi's keen knack for an anthemic hook.

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