Max B

Songtext Where do i go (bbq music) Max B


Where do i go (bbq music)

5 In the morning
Kinda sauced
Coming from the club you know (Gain Green)
Really had a great time (Grease!)
Me and them Gain Green boys
Chilled with the girls (Nice one baby)
Did a lot of Grand Cru
I don't wanna go home though
I'll figure out something
This that Rick James right here
Lets go

You see it
In this game there is no competition
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I ride through Harlem on my kinky Expedition
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I see some chick I know that loves to give me head
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I got that Clicquot and a bottle of some Cru
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)

That's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
I know one day you'll stay
Tell me which way did she go
She went that-a-way
That's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday I know one day you'll stay
Tell me which way did she go
She went that-a-way

Take trips to Florida
Take my number and call me up
For all we are, we up, Gain Green
Niggas do anything to stop their plane
Stop their dream
Never that
Cop the big car, red or black
Nigga try to rape me, nigga try to break me
Locked up for murder 2, niggas try to take me
But, a nigga bailed out
1.5, It's the biggest bail out
Never sell out nope, I do big things
Big chains, ain't shit changed
Make shit rain
Cherry boys love me
I tip nice, I get right
Get a nice little ho cuz I'm here for the night
10 grand for the (?) Grand Cru
Damn you
You don't really love me
All you do is want head
You don't even fuck me
You don't really want B
Max run Harlem like Bumpy, oww

You see it
In this game there is no competition
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I ride through Harlem on my kinky Expedition
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I see some chick I know that loves to give me head
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I got that Clicquot and a bottle of some Cru
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)

You see it
In this game there is no competition
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I ride through Harlem on my kinky Expedition
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I see some chick I know that loves to give me head
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I got that Clicquot and a bottle of some Cru
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)

That's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
I know one day you'll stay
Tell me which way did she go
She went that-a-way
That's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday
I know one day you'll stay
Tell me which way did she go
She went that-a-way

Max got that liquid
Not that Gray Goose, Max don't sip it
Max wanna stick it, he horny
Do it to me more like doggy
Georgie Porgie
Pudding pie
Kissed them young girls
And made them cry
I never wanna be like damn
So glad got rid of them
Me debuts gon' rise
They hate us
Riding like Big on the escalator
Time to address the haters
Niggas get left from respirators
On the jet gotta jet to Vegas
Our couple white friends got jets in flavors
Because my life is major
Max gotta get that paper, oww

You see it
In this game there is no competition
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I ride through Harlem on my kinky Expedition
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I see some chick I know that loves to give me head
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)
I got that Clicquot and a bottle of some Cru
Where do I go?
(Check it out, check it out, oww)

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