Sharon Van Etten

Songtext Tornado Sharon Van Etten


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You never saw me as a reward.
You didn't know he did
And then you tried to win the bet.
You tripped and fell upon the sword
That I'd given to you though you never carried.

I'm a tornado. You are the dust,
You're all around and you're inside.

My eyes get dusty cloudy,
Just like you wanted...
You were the child
And I'm the fault.
Why do I fawn upon you?
You are the reason I'm a force.
And when you knew you were you to feel worse.

I'm a tornado. You are the dust
You're all around and you're inside.

I cannot make you leave your source
'Cause you make yourself feel like you've got grounding.
I'm a tornado. You are the dust
You're all around and you're inside.
You are the nature I'm the roar that comes from you.

I'm a tornado. You are the dust
You're all around and you're inside.
I'm a tornado you are the fences that will fall
But still surround me.
I'm a tornado.
I'm a tornado.
I'm a tornado.

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Certain musicians are magic. Their voices prick up the ears of those far afield, melt the hearts of those within earshot and magnetize the attention of those souls fortunate enough to have a clear sightline. Sharon Van Etten is a singer and songwriter who trades in that caliber of mysticism. What her heart bleeds her songs soak in and offer up to those throats in need of slaking. This is what we expect from musicians who trade in the autobiographical. We hold forth empty vessels and expect them to be filled with the reflective elements of a songwriter’s soul, mirrors within which we search for some small recognizable part of the self. Sharon’s bane may be to feel too deeply, but her raw nerves, open heart and generous soul offer the rest of us a means to ease our own points of suffering.

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