Jedi Mind Tricks

Songtext The god supreme Jedi Mind Tricks


The god supreme

I feel sorry for your mom motherfucker, you a waste
When I say that you're my dog, I mean a muzzle in your face
The streets and the dean have me struggling with faith
The guns mad big like Mutombo on the waist
I'm a a gorilla God, jungle is my habitat
Murder many infidel, Yasser Arafat
How you wanna talk shit and tuck your chain after that
Infrared beam green aim it where your cabbage at
Dirty money lord you can check the back plate
Run up on his ras clot, show him how the gat tastes
It's a million motherfuckers in the rat race
I ain't part of that god, y'all can get the gas face
Fuck all fakes, see you at Allah gates
All my dogs gonna swarm on you like raw steaks
Pies and jumbs, I'mma let 'em all bake
And Vinnie he in rapping good hands like Allstate

It's the storm without the calm, a pistol in my palm
It's the blood being drawn from your body on this song
It's the life that I'm living, no fucks that I'm giving
It's a murder scene, tell the fucking ambulance to get 'em

It's the storm without the calm, a pistol in my palmIt's the blood being drawn from your body on this song
It's the life that I'm living, no fucks that I'm giving
It's a murder scene, tell the fucking ambulance to get 'em

I'm always trying to break bread
Always trying to take the fucking crown so I can take heads
Underground rappers, more bummier than bass heads
Head-shots leave y'all Planet of the Apes dead
Jeff Chandler, I'mma let them hands fly
Just in case Vinnie keep shooters on standby
Anybody told you any different it's a damn lie
You ain't really beef, real beef get pan-fried
I be in Japan high, y'all be on some stupid shit
Philly streets, motherfuckers cross you like a crucifix
It's Allah, I'mma be alive like Busilvex
Four pound, break your chest up like Mucinex
Dead cause I said so, I'mma let the TEC blow
Fiends lined up like an Air Jordan retro
Ill from the get-go, I just caught a homi
The bullets pierce kevlar, hotter than wasabi

It's the storm without the calm, a pistol in my palm
It's the blood being drawn from your body on this song
It's the life that I'm living, no fucks that I'm giving
It's a murder scene, tell the fucking ambulance to get 'em

It's the storm without the calm, a pistol in my palm
It's the blood being drawn from your body on this song
It's the life that I'm living, no fucks that I'm giving
It's a murder scene, tell the fucking ambulance to get 'em

Official Pistol Gang

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Philadelphia based underground hip-hop duo, Jedi Mind Tricks are Rapper Vinnie Paz (Vincenzo Luvineri) DJ and Producer Stoupe the Enemy of Mankind (Kevin Baldwin) with occasional member Jus Allah (James Bostick). JMT have released five albums, the most successful of which were Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell and Legacy of Blood, both of which received much critical praise and commercial success. In September 2007 JMT released the new album Ritual of Battle which features many collaborators such as: Outerspace, Chief Kamachi, Esoteric, Demoz and King Magnetic.

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