David Banner

Songtext Sex drugs and video games David Banner


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Sex drugs and video games

Look me in my eyes girl and say I never loved you
Pass God and mother, girl, I put nothin' above you
If my life existed then I really thought she was you
The way your friends talk shit they might as well be fuckin' you
I'd be lyin' if I said there was no pussy on the side
I'm alone in L.A., I was just tryna get by
I gave all I had but my soul and my manhood
You got selfish, now I'm thinkin' that you want that too
Under the spell of these witches
Don't die fuckin' lonely, fuckin' with them better bitches
They say I'm from the sin but they ain't got no men
Regardless of my fallacies, you and I were friends
Ha, I guess your mother got a wish
That I would my daughters feelin' like shit
I won't call no names but if it's all the same
Your mother and your friends control my video game (damn!)
Damn, I missed callin' your name
I guess the sex and the drugs control my video games

Sex, drugs and video games
But they'll control the instinct, nothing to our brain
They're playin' with the pain
But I think I'd rather die than be on TV tryna leave a fuckin' lie

They call it sex, drugs and video games
But they'll control the instinct, nothing to our brain
They're playin' with the pain
But I think I'd rather die than be on TV tryna leave a fuckin' lie

Sometimes I get high but should've turned state
Rumpa said they ballin' but these niggas getting raped
I know, cause I got it all on tape, you could view it all it ain't
Niggas publicizing hate like it's Carmen versus Drake
Yea, our soul is controlled by the music that we make
When a guy wanna be known for more than just plain
Let me say that I'm a tad bit embarrassed
That wife on stick is cool that these nigga off in Paris
But to Africa, a child's sake, burnin' out this song
I'm a nigga 'til I die cause I heard it in your song
Real hoes get down on the floor, I know
Cause I bought your fuckin' CD and that picture told me so
Then I aks little buddy could I ever change his mind?
On the dime he said yea, if you can stop my folks from dyin'
Huh, could I ever change his mind?
He said yea, David Banner, if you could stop my folks from dyin'
And that's real cause y'all niggas keep kill

Cause it's sex, drugs and video games
But they'll control the instinct, nothing to our brain
They're playin' with the pain
But I think I'd rather die than be on TV tryna leave a fuckin' lie

They call it sex, drugs and video games
But they'll control the instinct, nothing to our brain
They're playin' with the pain
But I think I'd rather die than be on TV tryna leave a fuckin' lie

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Lavell Crump, (Born April 11, 1973) better known by the stage name David Banner, is an American rapper and record producer who was half of the rap duo Crooked Lettaz. Banner was born in Jackson, Mississippi and graduated from Southern University. He debuted solo in 2000 with Them Firewater Boyz, Vol. 1 and signed to Universal Records in 2003. With Universal, Banner released four albums: Mississippi: The Album (2003) MTA2: Baptized in Dirty Water (2004) Certified (2005) and The Greatest Story Ever Told (2008).

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