Mac Miller

Songtext Senior skip day Mac Miller


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Senior skip day

I'm just high why they hatin on my
People tend to think all the dranks on me
I don't even have the money to spend
To buy patron for you and all your friends
Baby I be on my grind
Rain sleet snow
Rollin up good every place we go
Cause we tryin to get high get high get high
Know the bullshit and all the problems
But we to gone to see
Little bit of this and a little bit of that
We proceed to give them what they need

Just wakin up and gettin stoned
Rub my eyes and check my phone
Open up the fridge to make some waffles
But no more syrup up in my bottle
Damn, but it's okay
I top it off with scrambled eggs
Aye gotta work with watcha got
Aye gotta work with watcha got

Suppose to be in class but I ain't go
And let's chill on the couch
See what's on the telly
Where we won't leave house
Can ya stay a while
Can ya stay a while
Cause girl I'm feelin lazy and I'm tryna hang around

Ain't tryna get out of my bed till noon
Neighbors smell the perfume smoke in my room
And I got the door closed can't be sure though
Amsterdam weed spending euro's
Get the herb rolled
Let's relax
Take your shoes off and kick it back
We escaped the world
Escaped the stress
But I don't give a fuck if the house a mess
Cause we gonna handle that later
We gonna handle that later
Right now let's get that paper and smile for all them haters

Aye cream cheese and a bagel
Have a glass of milk and an ego
I'm rockin pjs and no shirt
I smoke weed eat yogurt

Enjoy the best things in your life
Cause you ain't gonna get to live it twice
They say you waste time asleep
But I'm just tryna dream

Suppose to be in class but I ain't go
And let's chill on the couch
See what's on the telly
Where we won't leave house
Can ya stay a while
Can ya stay a while
Cause girl I'm feelin lazy and I'm tryna hang around

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