Between The Buried And Me

Songtext Revolution in limbo Between The Buried And Me


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Revolution in limbo

We didn't live (We didn't live)
We only existed
Undo the worker (Undo the worker)
The corporate vice turned inside out
Exposed for what it truly is
The horizon has just met the sun
The days and night have folded into one

Over and over
Day in, day out
Monotonous drought

The sights and sounds are all the same
The smell of morning enters a declining brain
One more step out of this door
One more step to end this lif?
We feel no more

We ar? superior (Rinse, repeat)
Drench yourself in our word (Rinse, repeat)

Keep your eyes to the floor
Follow the repressive maze
Keep your eyes to the floor
A city built on pain
Drench yourself in our ideas
Over and over
Day in, day out
Monotonous drought
We didn't live
We only existed

Top of the morning to you
Keep your eyes to the floor
Follow the dotted lines
A maze created for productivity
For us, for them

A city built on your pain
Cranes hanging your lifeless bodies

The colors painting the canvas
Of our ancestors
A city built on your pain
Cranes hanging your lifeless bodies
A city built on your pain
Cranes hanging your lifeless bodies

The colors painting the canvas
Of our ancestors
The colors painting the canvas
Of our ancestors
Lost invitation
The sights and sounds are all the same
The smell of morning enters a declining brain
Color the city of hurt
We creak and sway with every turn
The shouting minds whisper

Don't sit long
Old habits turn the line of the vultures
Looking to collapse the position
Peaking through, year after year
They see your only weakness
And today they will start their feast
Their feast

A city built on your loss
Obsessive to the point of panic
You pushed your lifeline away
Drift off into other lives
A lost memory
A city built on your loss
Obsessive to the point of panic
You pushed your lifeline away
Drift off into other lives

The city, they shine their production
We've followed a contorted maze
Stacking the kingdom in rubble
Choking our failures again and again and again
Age defeats, age defiles
Your last breath tastes so sweet
We are not meant to survive here
We must move along
Calling unto our dwellings
We rot alone
We rot alone
We rot alone
We rot alone

Age defeats, age defiles
Your last breath tastes so sweet

We are not meant to survive here
We must move along
Calling unto our dwellings

Over and over
Day in, day out
Monotonous drought
We didn't live
We only existed

Over and over
Day in, day out
Monotonous drought
We didn't live
We only existed

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Between The Buried And Me is a progressive metal quintet from North Carolina, infusing a wide array of genres that include both soft rock and jazz. This is duly noted in their name choice, a section of lyrics from the Counting Crows’ song Ghost Train, which proceeds as follows: “Took the cannonball down to the ocean, Across the desert from the sea to shining sea, I rode a ladder that climbed across the nation, Fifty million feet of earth between the buried and me.”

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