The Maine

Songtext One sunset The Maine


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One sunset

As the sun takes the city
On my island of the rose
It's that London calling me
It's my heart back home

Well, she waits for me in the rain outside
As I patiently try to pass the time
Oh, I had my fun in the smoke and clouds
But the day is done, now all I want is to get out cause it's been
Days, weeks, no light in this square mile
Her face, my mind, just one more twilight

One sunset left in England
So go on and travel
One sunset till I see her
In her red sundress
So I'll have a smoke and I'll fix a drink
Then I'll blow a kiss to the bloody queen
Oh, my love, she waits so long overdue
One more sun to set, then I'll cross the sea to you

It's been two weeks in the rain
And it's hazy in my head
One more sunset in this place
'Til I see her again

Well, she waits for me in the rain outside
As I patiently try to pass the time
Oh, I had my fun in the smoke and clouds
But the day is done, now all I want is to get out cause it's been
Days, weeks, no light in this square mile
Her face, my mind, just one more twilight

One sunset left in England
So go on and travel
One sunset till I see her
In her red sundress
So I'll have a smoke and I'll fix a drink
Then I'll blow a kiss to the bloody queen
Oh, my love, she waits so long overdue
One more sun to set, then I'll cross the sea to you

Let it fade
Let it fade away, away
Let it fade
Let if fade

So I'll have a smoke and I'll fix a drink
Then I'll blow a kiss to the bloody queen
Oh, my love, she waits so long overdue
One more sun to set, then I'll cross the sea to you

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You're the type who knows what music is all about: the careful melodies, the heartfelt lyrics, the catchy hooks and vocal harmonies. To you, it doesn't matter whether a band wear matching t-shirts or whether they take the stage sporting the latest trend. It's all about the music. And that's a good thing, because The Maine feel the very same way.

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