Hilltop Hoods

Songtext Lights out Hilltop Hoods


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Lights out

This whole world's in a rush to be living plush, but never rich enough
Till that mirrors such a stranger we're asking is it us?
Losing your vision, make one stupid decision
You've become the newest victim of the human condition
It's a crying shame; honestly it's a survival game
While we die in vein making somebody rich
Like we scared of taking that step
Every days just another that escaped us if we don't make an affect
Back seat revolutionaries ain't lions at heart
Even the slightest of sparks can light up the dark
And everybody wants a piece of the action
Like peace and relaxing became a niche for the deceased or the lacking
Success, pleasures of the flesh and beheld
Treasures and endless excess in which we measure ourselves
I've faith in my fam, so I can relate to the fans
Hope they understand how grateful I am

We do it right here, right now
With my peers, my house
And fight here till the day we're gone and rest in white clouds
Life here, life out
If I'm a die here with my doubts
Then as night nears we're gonna do it till they turn the lights out

And it starts with us, seeking an everlasting rush
Pharmaceutical market drugs, liquor and grass and dust
Murder, lust, self-worth, hurt and trust
Burden us like a curse till we return to dust
Keeping us on like we're marching to the beat of a gong
Freedom is from our own hearts and those we leave the upon
Lingering on through the words that we sing in our songs
Even a strong foundation we could blink and it's gone
So we carve out our marks and master our own path
In a castle of glass our heart where our homes are
Wars in our vein, that's why we walk in the rain
Of course if the name burns brighter it was forged in the flame
You'll never get a break until your dead or make fifty
And a pension ain't a pay you resonate with me?
I've faith in my fam, so I can relate to the fans
I hope they understand how grateful I am

We do it right here, right now
With my peers, my house
And fight here till the day we're gone and rest in white clouds
Life here, life out
If I'm a die here with my doubts
Then as night nears we're gonna do it till they turn the lights out

We won't go, no we won't go, we won't go, no we won't go
We won't go, no we won't go, we won't go, no we won't go
We won't go, no we won't go, we won't go, no we won't go
We won't go, no we won't go, we won't go, no we won't go

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The Hilltop Hoods are an ARIA Award winning Australian hip hop group originating from Adelaide, South Australia. Their members are MCs Suffa (Matt Lambert) MC Pressure (Daniel Smith) DJ Debris (Barry Francis) and formerly DJ Next. They have been at the centre of the Australian hip hop scene for the better part of two decades, originally forming back in 1991 and releasing their first EP in 1997. Since then they have released 5 studio albums, 2 DVDs and a "restrung" version of their 2006 album The Hard Road. They released their fifth studio album, State of the Art on June 12, 2009. Their song Chase That Feeling came no. 3 in the Triple J Hottest 100 2009.

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