Reel Big Fish

Songtext Kiss me deadly Reel Big Fish


Kiss me deadly

(lemme tell you what I did. what did you do?)
I went to a party last saturday night,
I didnt get laid I got in a fight
uh huh, it aint no big thing (really?)
late for my job and the traffic was bad
had to borrow ten bucks from travis's dad
uh huh, it aint no big thing
I went to a party last saturday night,
I told you that story and I'll be allright
uh huh, it aint no big thing
but I know what I like
I know I like dancin with you
And I know what you like,
I know you like dancin with me
kiss me once, kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
kiss me once, kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
had a few beers, gettin high
sittin, watchin the time go by
uh huh, it aint no big thing
nothin to eat and no tv
lookin in the mirror dont do it for me
uh huh, it aint to big thing
but I know what I like
I know I like dancin with you
and I know what you like
I know you like dancin with me
(dance with me!)
kiss me once
kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
kiss me once
kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
(well I know you like dancin with me)
kiss me once, kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
kiss me once
kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me
come on pretty baby kiss me
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
kiss me deadly
went to a party last night
I didnt get laid
(and I fell into the jacuzzi)

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Reel Big Fish are a Southern Californian ska/punk band, who rode the third wave ska revival in the late 90s with their own brand of fun, party music. Their career has taken them full circle and after a detour to post punk, they came back with the smiles and energy of their early days.

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