Immortal Souls

Songtext Dark night under the northern sky Immortal Souls


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Dark night under the northern sky

At this frosty night under the starlit sky
Northern light caress my eyes
The white spruce forest swaying
By the rhythm of the wind

I stare with sweet melancholy
Its snowy pride and green beauty
Crust of snow reflect in blue
Pale light of the moon

Walking through this silent night
Close to my heart the cross I bare
Silhouettes of trees in silence
Reminds me of greatness above

Oh starlit sky
Withdraw behind the cloudiness on
Dark Night Under The Northern Sky

Neon lights color the night sky
I wish they all would die
The gray forest stands polluted
Filthy snow begins to melt

I see violence on these crowded streets
So full of hostility
I confront eyes that contempt
That've forgotten him

Walking through this pagan land
My cross gets heavier to bear
But I've seen the revelation
Through your eyes my beloved one

Your starlit eyes
Awoke me to see forgiveness on
Dark Night Under The Northern Sky

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Immortal Souls is a Christian melodic death metal band from Kokkola, Finland, formed in 1991. For years they were quite unknown because their first label Little Rose did not have enough resources to promote Immortal Souls properly. It was not until 2002 that Immortal Souls begun achieving world wide attention with the help of Dutch label Fear Dark which released their second album. After several years of touring in Central Europe they created a solid fanbase that made it possible for them to play bigger festivals such as Tuska Open Air Metal Festival. Their musical style is characterized by their use of melodic guitar riffs and singing which shifts between growls and shouting. Their music has been called winter metal since Immortal Souls utilizes frosty metaphors in their lyrics and usually creates a cold, wintry atmosphere. Their new album Wintereich was released in Europe on June 1, 2007 through Dark Balance and in the USA on August 21, 2007 through Facedown Records.

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