French Montana

Songtext Bring dem things French Montana


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Bring dem things

I be like, nice P, you know
What up P?
La Musica de Harry Fraud
Skate on these niggas

When I pull up they notice me
Come and talk to me like Jodeci
But don't you be too close to me
Them goons you see, let it go for me
I bring them things, I bring them things
I call the plug (hello?) he bring them things
Mucho bitches, I bring them tings
Looking so expensive, rings and things
I bring them things
I bring them things
I bring them things
I bring them things

Mane, you don't wanna fuck with them bro
Oh you high and they shooting, better get low
Extort 'em, you ain't go no friends, ohThey'll be fucking with that ass like a nympho
Chanel scarf like rainbow barf
$1000 sip nigga, this ain't yo' cloth
You ain't dripping nigga, that ain't no sauce
I can see the noodles, that shit made for poodles
I'm thinking 'bout the LaFerrari coupe
1.8, the option is the roof
Greens is a sicken to the youth
Your goals are malnourished nigga, please spit the juice
Y'all be Bape and I be human-made and
Y'all be aping, I'm Richard Mille nation
No diamonds, just turn beyond facing
With gears and sprockets with the sapphire casing

When I pull up they notice me
Come and talk to me like Jodeci
But don't you be too close to me
Them goons you see, let it go for me
I bring them things, I bring them things
I call the plug (hello?) he bring them things
Mucho bitches, I bring them tings
Looking so expensive, rings and things
I bring them things
I bring them things
I bring them things
I bring them things

Here's a little story about a kid from Morocco
Had to show Carlito I was Benny Blanco
Check it out, ra-raindrop, offset
Fuck a plug, we the outlet
Child put me in a box, I'm in the box office
All the rocks made shawty blow my socks off
Coke boy white, Mac Miller, Reggie Miller
Shoot to kill her, canary quarterback , Steelers
White villa from crack dealing
Cîroc French Vanilla, garage like a dealer
I kill 'em softly, Lauryn Hill 'em
Get above 'em, crib Calabasas on the hill, I
Had 'em on a needle, 45 plate
Beatles wore revolvers on the red carpet
Alcatraz bars, crash cars
Ain't no future in fronting, my homie rip yo mask off

When I pull up they notice me
Come and talk to me like Jodeci
But don't you be too close to me
Them goons you see, let it go for me
I bring them things, I bring them things
I call the plug (hello?) he bring them things
Mucho bitches, I bring them tings
Looking so expensive, rings and things
I bring them things
I bring them things
I bring them things
I bring them things

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