Tha Eastsidaz

Songtext Break a bitch til i die Tha Eastsidaz


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Break a bitch til i die

[Snoop Dogg]
Its pimp shit, its pimp shit
Nigga said his bitch took him to court for child support
Its cheaper to keep her
Cheaper to keep her
Thats real talk
Cheaper to keep her
Thats real talk, its cheaper to keep her

[Chorus: Snoop Dogg]
Now if you don't think I know what the fuck i'm talkin bout
(What you talkin bout?)
Run down to the Dogg House, and see fo' yo own two eyes
Bitches try to pull snake moves to get a piece of the pie

Its impossible, to stop a ho
So let her go, and get the dough
Lead the way, or step aside
Break a bitch till the day I die

[Verse 1: Snoop Dogg]Check me out, no doubt, I flip the game and re-route
I check her in wit Magic Man Juan, or Pimpin Ken
I just got back from Milwaukee, the All-Star game
Not the NBA nigga, i'm talkin real playa shit mayne
Macks, ballas, hustlas, and prostitutes
On the real my nig, you got to, got to get the loot
And if you got to shoot to get the loot
Then I guess you got to do what you gotta do
But know this, fa sho this, its somethin for realler
From a fifty cent nigga to a thousand dollar nigga
Fuck George Bush, the army, and the G.I.
Nigga this P.I., until I D.I.


[Verse 2: Goldie Loc]
Now don't get mad when you see me wit ya girlfriend
She ridin shot gun, smokin the damn thang again
Now say it ain't true...
Baby you gank em and play em it ain't no ring on you
That ain't what I do, just because I spend time wit you
Don't really mean i'm lyin to you
You got to understand what this young pimp will say
Cause right about now, it ain't no time for play
Now watch me slap ya ass wit dicks, bitch
You was stricly dickly, why you turn clitly
Thats even better, now both of you bitches lick me
Then I sit back and watch y'all eat pussy
Kick off my feet and count my cheese
Snoop this ain't the XLF, this the P-I-M-P
Look, she think she burned out
Wait until I put her on the fast track and have her turned out


[Verse 3: Tray Deee]
Lil pretty skinny ass bitch, but she gotta monkey
I know she suck dicks cause her lips nice and puffy
But she got the wrong thought, kinda got me turned off
Must be why she sweatin me, the ectasy she gon off
For realler, ho don't know i'm bout that scrilla
I peel her like a sunkiss for comin wit that dumb shit(stupid bitch!)
I keeps the P.I., poppin fa sho
Other suckas tend to love em, we just cop em and blow
Hos come, hos go, hos runnin ya slow
So keep her foot up in her ass, unless a dick in her throat
Main grew bitch will go what I make ya do
And keep ya eyes on my Stacys while i'm lacin you
Ya like sex and shit, and gettin naked quick
Ya lil wreckless bitch, so gon and check them chips
And bring every penny back home and deck
And pull a couple of mo' hos you know that wanna get wrecked



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Tha Eastsidaz originally spelled as the Eastsiders was a hip hop group of somewhat reforming the LBC Crew with Snoop Dogg, Lil' C-Style and Techniec. Their first appearance was in the Tommy Boy Records' Ride:Music from the Dimension Motion Picture with Crooked Eye Q on a Battlecat-produced song called "Feels So Good" in 1998. Possibly due to Snoop's label and thus name change, the same happened with this idea, and since the other two members still remained signed to Death Row the trio disbanded.

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