
Songtext Bipolar Day26


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Girl what do you want me to do
Do you want me to stay or do you want me to wait
I'm not a pendulum to you to sway
Sometimes you're dark as night
But Sometimes you're bright as day
So which extreme do you want to choose
Look what you have done to my mental state
I'm going through an episode, watch out I think its too late.

I think I lost my mind today
But to my dismay
I've been led astray
Cause you betrayed me
And baby you caused some kind of disarray
(what's happening to you and me)
She can't make up her mind
I swear this is my last time
See I can't control her
I guess she's bipolar

Girl if you knew just how much I love you
(but the way you been acting lately got me questioning if its true)
But you wouldn't know nothing about that boo
Hold that thought ima throw you a clue
Or maybe you'll see my point of view
My diagnosis of the illness that affects you could put our lives at stake
Look what you've done to my mental state
I'm going through a episode, watch out I think its too late.


Shes suffering I know
Shes suffering I know
She swing both ways man yeah she bi
Got me wondering why
Why why why is shorty bi, bi, bi
Shes suffering
Shes suffering
I'm not gone tell a lie
I wanna be yo guy
You gotta hit the road before I lose control

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Day 26 is a male R&B music group formed on August 26, 2007 by Sean "Diddy" Combs in a handpicked selection at the end of MTV's Making the Band 4. The group consists of Robert Curry, Brian Andrews, Willie Taylor, and Michael McCluney. The moniker is a tribute to the day when Andrews, McCluney, Mosley, Curry, and Taylor went from unknowns to stars. The group released their first album, Day26, on March 25, 2008, one week after their then label mates and Making the Band 3 winners Danity Kane released Welcome to the Dollhouse. The album's first single, "Got Me Going", was released on the finale of Making the Band 4. The album went on to debut at number one on the billboard charts.

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